[El] Qgis 1.6.0 without PCRaster support

Mathieu Baudier mbaudier at argeo.org
Wed Feb 23 05:11:13 EST 2011

> According to you: could it be a better approach to download the source
> code of gdal 1.7.3 and try to compile from source (with the same
> procedure I used for the 1.7.2 version) in order to overwrite the old
> 1.7.2 version ?

You will have to do it over and over, for each version and won't
benefit from the ELGIS update.
I would not recommend that.

Just remove the version you had compiled from source.
Instead of deleting the files under /usr/local, just move them
somewhere so that you can move them back in case something go wrong
(but, again, it is unlikely to get worse than now)

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