Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Mon Jan 30 02:24:32 EST 2012

Hi Bruce, hi Nikos,

the native MapServer tiling 
capability,http://mapserver.org/trunk/mapcache/index.html,  comes from 
mod-geocache and should be in 6.2. Anyway, AFAIK the current MapServer 
release, which is 6.0,  does not include caching, yet.
 From this POV it might make sense to start with the mod-geocache 
packages in the ELGIS repo.


On 01/30/2012 01:58 AM, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Nikos,
> Is this worth the effort?
> I understand that the latest release of MapServer has a very effective 
> native tile caching implementation.
> Bruce
> On 25/01/12 8:02 AM, "Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos" <hatzopou at chapman.edu> wrote:
>     So I setup a mapserver and I was wondering if someone has
>     integrate mapserver with tilecache ( http://tilecache.org/ ) ?
>     I am keep getting empty cells :)
>     -- Nikos
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Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
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