[Europe] EGU General Assembly next week: OSGeo Townhall with NASA on Tuesday

Peter Löwe peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Apr 19 02:20:17 PDT 2023

Hi all,

if anyone of you should attend next weeks EGU General Assembly (https://www.egu23.eu/) in Vienna, I would like to point out and invite you to this Townhall on Tuesday evening 19:00 hours:

OSGeo and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Earth and Planetary Geosciences
Details: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/sessionprogramme/4917

The Townhall will adress the state and current challenges for PID-based software citation. The chief data officer of NASA is among the presenters and will present aspects of the NASA TOPS programme (Transform to Open Science).

This could be of inspiring/useful in relation to the recent interest of ESA in the activities of OSGeo Europe. The focus of EGU is **european** (in the first place).

Kind regards,

<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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