[fdo-users] .net Wrapper quirks

Jackie Ng jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au
Wed Mar 26 19:24:17 EDT 2008

Hi All,

I've been writing .net code that copies data from one FDO connection to
another (Doing a series of IInsert::Execute() calls from an IFeatureReader
). In my adventures using the FDO .net wrapper, I have encountered the
following problems at random:

- System.AccessViolationExceptions ("Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt") thrown at
OSGeo.FDO.Runtime.Disposable.Finalize() (Target Site: void
ReleaseUnmanagedObject() )
- C++ pure virtual function call errors.
- Memory allocation failed errors.

Is there some quirks with the .net wrapper that I should be aware of? As
OSGeo.FDO.Runtime.Disposable implements IDisposable, I've been wrapping
nearly every FDO object used inside using() blocks. Could this be a cause?

I am using .net wrappers for FDO 3.3.0

- Jackie

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