[fdo-users] Coordinate transformations for FDO

STEPHEN STANTON sstanton at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 10 17:22:47 EDT 2009

I'm new to FDO (and the OSGeo stack in general), looking for some advice.

I'm using FDO to grab some data from a variety of WFS servers. Now I want to do various spatial joins (overlays), so I need to ensure the various datasets are all in the same coordinate system.

From what I've read, it seems that FDO itself doesn't handle coordinate conversions. So I've been looking at using GDAL/OGR code to do the conversion. However, I'm reluctant to spend too much time on this, because it seems like I must be re-inventing the wheel.

Can anyone point me towards some coordinate transformation software that's been crafted to work with FDO geometry objects? Ideally in C# or C++.

Steve Stanton

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