[Featureserver] FW: getting started with featureserver..

Simon Hope SimonH at geobiz.co.nz
Tue Oct 9 01:06:44 EDT 2007

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your email.

I'm making some progress. I've ditched FWTools and Python25. 

I've installed Python2.4, GDAL 1.4.2 and the associated Python Bindings

I've amended the cgi file to point to Python24 and have tested using
your suggestion of limiting the features returned:


and....i get this:

An error occurred: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be
  File "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\featureserver\FeatureServer\Server.py", line
239, in cgiHandler
    service = Server.load(*cfgfiles)
  File "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\featureserver\FeatureServer\Server.py", line
60, in _load
    datasources[section] = cls.loadFromSection(
  File "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\featureserver\FeatureServer\Server.py", line
35, in _loadFromSection
    module = __import__("%s.%s" % (module_type, type), globals(),
locals(), type)
  File "C:\Program Files\Apache Software
y", line 2, in ?
    import ogr, osr
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ogr.py", line 33, in ?
    import _gdal

I'm guessing something is screwed up between the python bindings and
GDAL - so I'm going down that hole now

Thanks again for the help


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schmidt [mailto:crschmidt at metacarta.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2007 4:16 p.m.
To: Simon Hope
Cc: featureserver at openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [Featureserver] getting started with featureserver..

On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 01:10:12PM +1300, Simon Hope wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking to use featureserver with PostGIS, but I'm running into
> some difficulty and was wondering whether anybody could assist? I
> warn you I am fresh as a daisy to this stuff so please bare with me...

> 7. I've installed FWTools for OGR
> 8. I understand FWTools comes with the python bindings....? Is this
> where I'm messing up?

I don't know for sure. However, if it does, you'll likely need to use
the same version of Python as the OGR Bindigns are built for. I don't
think anyone has yet gotten FeatureServer running with the OGR bindings
in the FWTools dist. (I'd be glad to be corrected on that.)

> I looked at the datasources.txt in the featureserver download and
> that the PostGIS support requires psycopg. I've downloaded this and
> looked at the install file which mentions building  psycopg however
> a bit confused - should I be building and installing  psycopg onto my
> PostGIS server? (i.e. server1).

Nope. Server2. psycopg is the Postgres client which FeatureServer uses.
The server shouldn't need anything.

> [scribble]
> type=OGR
> dsn=/data/Courts_WGS84.shp
> layer=Courts_WGS84.shp
> and tested using this URL:
> http://localhost:8080/featureserver/featureserver.cgi/scribble/all.atm
> Now I'm expecting to get back GeoRSS representation of my features
> right? (Could well be wrong?) But all that happens is that the browser
> hangs (by hanging i mean it just seems to be processing. It doesn't
> return an error)

Well, depending on the size of the shapefile, it may just take a long
time :) try doing this instead: 


Encoding a full shapefile into Atom could take a long time depending on
the size (and might be too big for the browser to handle sanely anyway
-- Firefox, iirc, doesn't do partial rendering of RSS feeds).  

> So I guess my questions/problems are:
> 1. Is FWTools enough in terms of the OGR requirements (including the
> python bindings?

I don't know. Someone else might be able to say.

> 2. For PostGIS support I need psycopg - should I be building this on
> PostGIS server or the featureserver box? Or both?

FeatureServer box. 

> 3. With regard to shapefile data sources any ideas where I may have
> messed up

May just not have been patient enough :) I've seen it take minutes even
for a relatively small shapefile. 

Christopher Schmidt

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