[FeatureServer] query using tsvector

Gery . gamejihou at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 18 08:02:17 PST 2012


I've been testing FS with GA and found something that don't get how to put it.

For instance, this call works very well in FS:

First example:
in FS: http://www.myweb.web/fs/Boreholes?format=GeoJSON&source__ilike=ODP&queryable=source
in SQL: SELECT * FROM boreholes_table where source ilike '%ODP%'

and what I'm looking for is querying this table but using the tsvector column, so this works in SQL but don't know how to put it in FS:

Second example:
in FS: ??
in SQL: select * from boreholes_table where tsvector @@ plainto_tsquery('ODP');
(in any case this is for GA: "session.query(Boreholes).filter(Boreholes.tsvector.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("ODP"))).all()")

based on the first SQL (and FS) example, how could I put it for the second SQL example?

Any hint is appreciated, thanks in advance,

Best regards,

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