I think Im having some issues with my mail, sorry guys.<br><br>It seems I installed psycopg2. The tests I ran were in psycopg2/tests, some python files.<br><br>.....<br>------------------------------<div id="mb_5">----------------------------------------
<br>Ran 5 tests in 0.020s<br><br>OK<br><br>kinda thing for a few different python files.
<br><br><br>Now, changing the import and all calls in PostGIS.py to psycopg2 seemed to work, actually.<br>I have passed the error message of 'no module named psycopg'.<br><br>Unfortunately, now I'm getting permission denied.
<br><br><pre>An error occurred: could not connect to server: Permission denied<br>        Is the server running locally and accepting<br>        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?<br><br> File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 232, in cgiHandler
<br><br> format, content = service.dispatchRequest( params, path_info, host, post_data, request_method, accepts )<br> File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 105, in dispatchRequest<br> datasource.begin()<br>
File "./FeatureServer/DataSource/PostGIS.py", line 19, in begin<br><br> self.db = psycopg2.connect(self.dsn)</pre></div>