And I've got another problem, it seems. I've inserted some test spatial data into postGIS and had it output in featureserver in WFS format. Now, I'm moving on to my real data. I'm using counties as my features, with emissions associated with each county. I have the emissions tied to the state county FIPS code, and then I brought in a county shapefile for the geometries. Using shp2pgsql I've parsed out the geometry part. (SRID=4269;01060000 etc., etc., etc.) so that I can just insert this column into my original table. (UPDATE table SET the_geom='SRID=4269;etc.,etc.') WHERE stateCountyFIPS='xxxxx');<br>
<br>I hope that came out clear enough.<br><br>After overcoming a restraint (oops counties are multipolygons, not just polygons), the data was inserted correctly into postgis and I got no errors.<br><br>When viewing the WFS from featureserver, though, I get:<br>
<br><pre>An error occurred: expected string or buffer<br> File "/opt/lampp/cgi-bin/featureserver2/FeatureServer/", line 281, in cgiHandler<br> format, content = service.dispatchRequest( params, path_info, host, post_data, request_method, accepts )<br>
File "/opt/lampp/cgi-bin/featureserver2/FeatureServer/", line 145, in dispatchRequest<br> result = method(action)<br> File "/opt/lampp/cgi-bin/featureserver2/FeatureServer/DataSource/", line 208, in select<br>
geom = self.from_wkt(props['fs_text_geom'])<br> File "/opt/lampp/cgi-bin/featureserver2/FeatureServer/DataSource/", line 99, in from_wkt<br> for line in self.wkt_linestring_match.findall(geom):</pre>
<br><br>No other errors in apache's error_log. I wonder if this is because my geometry came out wrong? Anyone have any ideas what this could be? Thanks!<br>-Ed<br><br>