Hey Josh thanks. Weird about the bbox. I'm reading the data from a
PostGIS database. I wonder if it has to do with how I added the data.
I'm fairly new to PostGIS and spatial databases, so I wouldn't be
surprised if I messed something up.<br>
<br>I haven't modified postgis.py or any files in featureserver setup.
I didn't do much setup with featureserver once extracted. No ez_setup
or python script. I'm running version 1.11 from the website, I haven't
gotten any code from the svn trunk. I can try that as well.<br>
<br>I can deal with the number of features later. 5k was a bit
exaggerating. Maybe 2k. Still, I was going to try and keep users
fairly zoomed in so they wouldn't be seeing all the features at once,
but an image overlay is a good idea. <br>
<br><br>Thanks again.<br><font color="#888888">-Ed</font>