Hi guys:<br>I just setting up featureserver on my local. it is very cool stuff. <br>when I try to request one json from FS, I got some information which I dont understand.<br>e.g. <a href="http://localhost/featuerserver.py/layer1/1">http://localhost/featuerserver.py/layer1/1</a><br>
I got "No CRS information has been provided with this data"<br>Is there any document about about this property or somebody can explain what happend?<br><br>[layer2]<br>type=PostGIS<br>dsn=host=localhost dbname=xiaoyu user=postgres password=XXOO<br>
layer=geotabel1<br>fid=gid <br>geometry=the_geom <br>srid=28992<br>attribute_cols=house_number<br>gaping_security_hole=yes<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Sam<br>