[OSGeo Finance] 2009 Q3/Projected vs. Budgeted

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Nov 4 01:42:51 EST 2009


I have hand prepared a rough interim sense of the financial picture
for 2009.  While the values are derived from the values in quickbooks,
I have manually grouped things according to how they were budgeted,
and there are at least some minor errors.  So these should be taken
as big picture guidance, not absolute numbers.


This projects a roughly $20K loss for the year despite a $75K shortfall
in fundraising, mostly due to not spending $40K of the promotional budget,
and not spending the funds for professional accounting and D&O insurance
(though we might yet end up drawing more of those than anticipated).

I would add that we are still assuming that the recently invoiced
sponsorship renewals will go through (I'm nervous we will have some
cancellations in this year of financial turmoil) and that FOSS4G 2009
will be break even (after paying back the $43K advance).

For the purposes of 2010 budgeting we can anticipating Autodesk dropping
to a $25K sponsorship though hopefully other sponsorships will remain solid
or perhaps improve somewhat.  I would conservatively estimate 2010
unrestricted revenue to be:

  Sponsorships: $82,000
  FOSS4G 2010:  $25,000
  Project %25:   $7,500
  GSoC:          $7,500

So around $120,000.

With current staffing + systems our fixed expenses are $130K before
actually doing any promotion, or supporting any initiatives.  This
also does not include insurance or paying for accounting which we will
surely have to do soon.

I anticipate us entering 2010 with around $140K or $150K in reserves.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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