My short-term goal includes transferring my simple, michigan-centric R inventory procedure to Python as a starting point. After that, other individuals can add some features that are useful to them for something more complete, or I'll just take off with what I have in order to build some framework.<br>
<br>Otherwise, just reposing some questions:<br><b><br>Jeff: </b>Could you clarify this?<br>"maintain an open and transparent set of procedures for performing sample processing and inventory reporting tasks"<br>
we want to adopt a "mission statement" or "goal" for the project,
something we can all aim for? Maybe a list of guidelines or structure we
want our community to abide by? It seems this mailing list will be used
for primary communication, do we need anything else? Are we fine with a
consensus driven approach to development, or do we want to look at
formalizing some sort of decision-making process? <br>
<br>Personally, I think drafting some set of guidelines and mission
would be useful. At least it helps me understand where everyone
else is at, and what direction I need to head in. I think the mailing
list is likely the most effective method of communication, and I'm fine
with a consensus driven approach. However, I do think some sort of
agreed upon guidelines and mission will help that along. Perhaps
additionally a set of questions that we want to test all ideas
against... "Does this meet our goal? Is this somehow advancing the use
of QGIS among forestry professionals? etc."<br>
<br><div><br>--<br>all the best,</div>
<div>Lee Mueller<br>ISA Certified Arborist MI-4148A<br>Registered Forester #46043<br></div><div> </div>
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