<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><br><br>--- Em <b>qua, 25/1/12, Grant Oswald <i><gkoswald@gmail.com></i></b> escreveu:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br>De: Grant Oswald <gkoswald@gmail.com><br>Assunto: Re: [FOSS-GPS] Re: RTKLIB SKYTRAQ<br>Para: "Open Source GPS-related discussion and support" <foss-gps@lists.osgeo.org><br>Data: Quarta-feira, 25 de Janeiro de 2012, 10:43<br><br><div id="yiv2042554080">Hi Julian,<div>thanks for the quick reply!</div><div>The links you mentioned are no good as I live in Australia. <br><br>I see, CORS 2000Km :-(<br><br><br></div><div>Whats the best settings in rtknavi to collect data? I assume I just set the output of rtknavi to file? On the rover should I enable corrections from the cors network as I do this? Or just use single mode?</div>
<div>cheers</div><div><br></div><div>Grant</div><div><br></div></div>Here are my settinx of ulox-LEA4T to colect static data.<br>Use it as directions. Raplace ubx by skytrack.<br>Use the same settings for both receivers.<br><br><br>RTKNAVI file configuration:
<br>These are the important settings under GNU/Linux.
<br>Take atention: As I don't have a real windows machine, I have not tested it under windows.
<br>I hope it helps.
<br> <br>regards,
<br>julio menezes
<br> <br>inpstr1-type =serial # (0:off,1:serial,2:file,3:tcpsvr,4:tcpcli,7:ntripcli,8:ftp,9:http) <<< here
<br>inpstr2-type =off # (0:off,1:serial,2:file,3:tcpsvr,4:tcpcli,7:ntripcli,8:ftp,9:http) <<< here let off
<br>inpstr3-type =off # (0:off,1:serial,2:file,3:tcpsvr,4:tcpcli,7:ntripcli,8:ftp,9:http) <<< here let off
<br>inpstr1-path =ttyACM0:57600:8:n:1:off <<< here the PC port, may be COMx under Windows,
<br>inpstr2-path =
<br>inpstr3-path =
<br>inpstr1-format =ubx # (0:rtcm2,1:rtcm3,2:oem4,3:oem3,4:ubx,5:ss2,6:hemis,7:skytraq,8:sp3)
<br>inpstr2-format =ubx # (0:rtcm2,1:rtcm3,2:oem4,3:oem3,4:ubx,5:ss2,6:hemis,7:skytraq,8:sp3)
<br>inpstr3-format =ubx # (0:rtcm2,1:rtcm3,2:oem4,3:oem3,4:ubx,5:ss2,6:hemis,7:skytraq,8:sp3)
<br>file-cmdfile1 =../../../data/ubx_raw_1hz.cmd
<br>file-cmdfile2 =../../../data/ubx_raw_1hz.cmd
<br>pos1-posmode =static # (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:movingbase,5:fixed,6:ppp-kine,7:ppp-static)
<br>pos1-frequency =l1 # (1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5)
<br>pos1-soltype =forward # (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined)
<br>pos1-elmask =15 # (deg)
<br>pos1-sateph =brdc # (0:brdc,1:precise,2:brdc+sbas,3:brdc+ssrapc,4:brdc+ssrcom)<br><br><br></blockquote></td></tr></table>