<div dir="ltr">I don't think you should use the time tag in the .pos file.<div>I'd use instead the CLK records in the .stat file.</div><div>See Appendix B.3 in the docs, "Solution Status File":</div><div>
<div><br></div><div><i>Receiver Clockâbias States</i></div><div><i>Estimated receiver clock bias parameters. The format of a record is as follows.</i></div><div><i>$CLK,week,tow,stat,rcv,clk1,clk2,clk3,clk4</i></div><div>
<i>week/tow : gps week no/time of week (s)</i></div><div><i>stat : solution status</i></div><div><i>rcv : receiver (1:rover,2:base station)</i></div><div><i>clk1 : receiver clock bias GPS (ns)</i></div><div><i>clk2 : receiver clock bias GLONASS (ns)</i></div>
<div><i>clk3 : reserved</i></div><div><i>clk4 : reserved</i></div></div><div><br></div></div>