[FOSS4G-Oceania] Forum on Diversity

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 15:16:45 PDT 2018

I've drafted a proposed FOSS4G Forum on Diversity.

Ideally, it would be good to have a bit of time to discuss this, but I 
see our deadline for presentations is today, so I've submitted a 
presentation idea, which I've copied here:


Feel free to make suggestions. (Not sure what is involved in updating a 
presentation I've already submitted).


*Proposed presentation for the FOSS4G Oceania conference: 


Title:FOSS4G Forum on Diversity


As a FOSS4G organising committee we have wrestled with questions of 
Diversity, Inclusivity, and Empowerment and the balancing the 
effectiveness of different approaches against business realities. 
(Programs are paid for by us conference attendees and sponsors.)

* We embraced OSGeo’s Code-Of-Conduct (which was co-authored by people 
in our region).

* We embraced OSGeo’s Travel Grant Program and extended on its 
principles, it's funding sources (such as via the “Good Mojo Fund”), and 
selection methodologies.

* We introduced a Child Friendly policy which is lightweight and much 
easier to implement than others we looked at.

We would like hear how we have done, and we would like to gift what 
we’ve learned back to the rest of the world.

I propose we set up a moderated forum, with a panel of conference 
attendees who have shown an interest in this topic, and invite questions 
from the audience.

Aims for the forum would be:

* Hear ideas from panelists about hot topics in diversity debates.

* Hear feedback from attendees on the effectiveness of each of current 
diversity initiatives.

* Hear ideas for future initiatives.

* Identify goals for our future FOSS4G events.

* Identify lessons to share back to the world.


Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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