[FOSS4G-Oceania] Motion: extended, targeted call for papers if needed

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 15:10:08 PDT 2018

So, I don't want to just drop this topic, but I'm not seeing a clear &
actionable motion out of this. Adam, I understand you're pushing for an
extended CFP, but I think we need more clarity on exactly what actions are
being proposed, and how they could result in a different outcome than what
we already have.

Before I personally vote for such an action, I'd want to know what
strategies we'd be employing, beyond what we've already done, to strive for
a better outcome.

A separate community vote is easy to set up, but I don't think I'm in
favour, I feel it draws a lot of attention to a very small number of people
who might be uncomfortable being identified as a special group.

Also, there are timelines in place (for selections, publishing program,
etc), changing them has knock-on effects, I'm not opposed to adjusting but
a motion to produce an extended CFP will require us to take a look at these.
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