[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G Academic Track - next steps (react today, pls)

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 23:08:52 PDT 2018

Hey Martin, all

+1 for having an academic-ish stream (or set of streams) if we can pull
together enough material (I’m sure we can)

re. student awards, I think it’s OK to not have one at the conference -
it’s the first year; and we can coordinate with GeoForAll to push for one
from the getgo next year; starting with eResearch (in October). Thoughts?


On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 14:45, Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

> Thanks Alex.
> Sarah, please have a look at the skeleton Alex sent – that sound nice.
> So we could keep one of the Streams as one with an academic slant, and
> have the paper + a panel there, + any other “science” talks. If needed,
> these can be two consecutive streams.
> Happy with that.
> Sarah, this would mean no posters. Are we fine? Or do we want to get more
> talks from students ( so we can give the student awards). If not, what
> shall we do with student awards?
> M.
> *From: *Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>
> *Date: *Friday, 7 September 2018 at 2:05 pm
> *To: *Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au>
> *Cc: *foss4g-oceania <foss4g-oceania at lists.osgeo.org>, John Bryant <
> johnwbryant at gmail.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G Academic Track - next steps (react
> today, pls)
> Hi All
> I've started drafting a conference program, here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jlyrk7rdMci-2XMQFA5vzLMKCEPnTYaHR83vu5KYrT8/edit#gid=0
> Very happy for feedback and input. It's just a start, but has some
> opinionated components, such as which keynotes are when.
> We have 12 parallel sessions in total, and I've earmarked 2 for lightning
> talks. That leaves us with room for 40 talks (10 x 4). We can set aside one
> of the sessions for an academic session, and Martin could run a panel. Or
> we weave the academic talk into the rest.
> I've scheduled Jane into a plenary and feel reluctant to shift her to a
> stream.
> I'm +0 on posters. If you want to run a process, that's fine. I'm just
> aware that we have a lot going on already!
> Cheers,
> On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 13:26 Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Sarah and I met today, to discuss nest steps in the academic track.
> Apologies for a slightly longer thread, I will try to clearly identify what
> is FYI, what are our (SG + MT) next steps, and where we need guidance from
> the committee.
> Current state:
>    - We have received only a single full length submission. This is
>    unfortunate, but seeing the other general talks, it is clear that other
>    academics are onboard, just opted for the simpler talks. Yet, it also
>    reflects the lack of student submissions, who are primarily encouraged to
>    submit full papers ( as they need it for their theses).
> Next steps:
>    - We will ask the authors of the full submission whether A) They want
>    to continue with the fully reviewed track, and be subject to the rigorous
>    review. If accepted, the  contribution will then be published in a volume
>    with other FOSS4G papers ( currently investigated with the FOSS4G
>    Proceedings publishers); or B) just treat this as a general talk ( only
>    community voting, which is ongoing right now), which would free them to
>    publish elsewhere the main paper.
> Decisions:
>    - The academic stream has originally been conceived as one of the
>    parallel sessions. Clearly, we do not have sufficient content for this
>    (here I note that I cannot recall what was our overall talks capacity – I
>    think we worked this out at the beginning. This should guide our selection
>    process for the general talks too). We need to *decide* (soon, after
>    the voting closes and we have an idea of the number of talks), *whether
>    we will run FOSS4G Oceania as 2 or 3 parallel sessions on Day 2*. I
>    would prefer to not have a sparse third session. 3 Sessions make it harder
>    to not miss an interesting talk.
>    - Whichever happens, we believe we could combine a few talks (topic
>    wise) into an “*academic” block*. This could be preceded by the
>    Keynote from Jane Elith, contain the academic talk (plus the others), and
>    possibly be complemented by a panel session (45’) on FOSS4G in research. *Please,
>    express opinions*.
>    - Complementing this, we propose (*VOTE*) a poster session (posters on
>    the walls in the venue – John, I believe there was a note that we can pin
>    in posters?). This would be preceded by short 30’’ or 1min “pitches”.
>    Posters would be open only to students, and these would be eligible for the
>    student awards. *Decision needed*: shall we do this? How many student
>    tickets should be add/free?
> Thanks,
> Martin
> --
> *Dr. Martin Tomko*
> Senior Lecturer
> Department of Infrastructure Engineering (Office B304)
> The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
> T: +61 3 9035 3298 <+61%203%209035%203298> | W: www.tomko.org | Mail:
> tomkom at unimelb.edu.au | @dinomirMT
> ----
> FOSS4G Oceania 2018
> Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018
> https://foss4g-oceania.org/ | @foss4g_oceania
> Academic Stream: https://foss4g-oceania.org/present/submit-academic-paper
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> --
> Alex Leith
> 0419 189 050
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Adam Steer
+61 427 091 712
skype: adam.d.steer
tweet: @adamdsteer
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