<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi all,</div><div>hope you are well and had a good weekend!</div><div><br></div><div>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0cm 0cm 8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif">At our conference committee meeting on Friday (17th of
September), we agreed that we will have 3 keynote speakers for the conference,
each with a 20 minute presentation. We aim to deliver the presentations live,
but they will also pre-recorded by the speakers in case they cannot deliver
live on the day. A live Q&A panel will follow the three presentations and
will be also recorded and be made available online after the conference, to
allow the Hubs to opt out of it if there are some time constraints.<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0cm 0cm 8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif">We also tried to narrow down the shortlist of potential
keynote speakers. The main parameters for choosing the speakers were:<span></span></p>
<p class="gmail-MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0cm 40.8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif"><span><span>·<span style="font:7pt "Times New Roman"">         Â
</span></span></span>Gender diversity<span></span></p>
<p class="gmail-MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0cm 40.8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif"><span><span>·<span style="font:7pt "Times New Roman"">         Â
</span></span></span>Oceania based speaker<span></span></p>
<p class="gmail-MsoListParagraphCxSpLast" style="margin:0cm 0cm 8pt 40.8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif"><span><span>·<span style="font:7pt "Times New Roman"">         Â
</span></span></span>Relevant topic<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0cm 0cm 8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif">We have noticed that many of the suggested speakers are not
based in Oceania, but a few of them have very interesting profiles and could be
a good fit for the conference. We have agreed to extend the deadline for
finalising the list to next week (or maybe to the next meeting?) and it would be great if
anyone else would share more candidates for a keynote or endorse someone
already present in the list. <br></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0cm 0cm 8pt;line-height:107%;font-size:11pt;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif">The current list can be found here: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XMB46Oktdjw671YCcOs_V3bipehydIfTqzcBkHXcLPg/edit" style="color:rgb(5,99,193);text-decoration:underline">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XMB46Oktdjw671YCcOs_V3bipehydIfTqzcBkHXcLPg/edit</a><span></span></p>