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ACS still advertising FOSS4G-2009 for us<BR>
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<B>Subject</B>: Acsvic News [3018877]<BR>
<B>Date</B>: 25 Sep 2009 14:30:15 +1000<BR>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">2009 Australian Trade Update</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ACS has released the findings of the 2009 Australian ICT Trade Update revealing a growing annual ICT trade deficit of $28 billion, reflecting Australia's increasing demand for ICT equipment.</FONT>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Business Systems Analysis</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Getting the requirements right is key to successful systems development and maintenance. Many of the problems associated with development and maintenance projects are because of business requirement issues.</FONT>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Branch Forum: ICT Governance</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Modern business depends on information technology for just about everything. If the computers go wrong, business stops. If new IT projects fail, future plans end up in disarray.</FONT>
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<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#TRADE">2009 Australian Trade Update</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#PEAR">2009 National Pearcey Medal & Victorian State Pearcey Award</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#ELEC">ACS National Elections – Call for Nominations</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#LEND">Lending a Hand with Bringing the Next Generation of ICT Practitioners into the Profession</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#CPEP">CPEP Presentations</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#BSA">Business Systems Analysis</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#BRANCH">Branch Forum: ICT Governance</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#GATE">UniGateway Business Breakfast: The Commercialisation of Knowledge</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#WWW">What Women Want - the ACS and Victorian ICT Women's Network invite you to find out</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#ATUG">ATUG Focus Forums</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#FREE">Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2009 Conference</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#AIPM">Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#AIC">22nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'09)</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#OZW">OzWIT 2009: Australian Celebration of Women in ICT</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#PUB">Young IT in the Pub featuring a Special Guest!</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#MIT">MIT Computer Club Formed</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#TSA">ACS TSA September Lunchtime Lecture: Software as a Service - SaaS</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#STA">Software Testing Special Interest Group</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#MOB">MobSIG Event: Open Mobile Miner (OMM): A System for Real Time Mobile Data Analysis</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#TOAST">ACS Tea House Toastmasters Club Meeting</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#3333cc"><A HREF="#AMB">ACS Ambassadors Card</A></FONT>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">NEWS</FONT></B>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">2009 Australian Trade Update</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">• Growing trade deficit reflects Australia's increased reliance on technology</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">• ICT services sector Australia's eighth largest export earner</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ACS has released the findings of the 2009 Australian ICT Trade Update, revealing a growing annual ICT trade deficit of $28 billion, reflecting Australia's increasing demand for ICT equipment. Despite the global financial crisis, Australia's ICT exports continued to grow, reaching almost $6.6 billion in 2008 around 2.3% of Australia's total export earnings.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The Report shows that in 2008, Australia's ICT exports increased to $6.6 billion while imports cost $34 billion, creating an ICT trade deficit of $28 billion.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Commissioned by the ACS and authored by Professor John Houghton, the Report identifies computer services as holding Australia's greatest domestic performance promise. It also highlights innovation and a slowing of risk-oriented seed and venture capital investment as areas that Australia's governments and ICT industry stakeholders must support, to improve the ICT Trade Performance and enhance Australia's competitive advantage.</FONT>
<A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=load&temID=noticedetails&notID=997">Click here for more details</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">2009 National Pearcey Medal & Victorian State Pearcey Award</FONT></B>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Roundtable - National Broadband Network & Gala Dinner</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This year's Pearcey Foundation National Roundtable theme is "NBN – the platform for Australia's Economic Recovery" and will explore what opportunities this will bring for Australian society.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Following the dinner and a keynote address, Senator Stephen Conroy Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy will present the 2009 Pearcey Medal and Victorian State Award.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">With over 200 industry leaders expected to attend, this late afternoon/evening event provides all participants an unmatched opportunity to be associated with innovation and ICT industry thought leadership in Australia.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Speakers:</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Confirmed speakers include: Senator Stephen Conroy, Dr Peter Cebon, MC for the evening and the Pearcey Oration to be delivered by Robyn Williams, renowned ABC Science Journalist</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The comprehensive agenda for this informative event delivers value for any participant in the Australian ICT sector.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> La Trobe Ballroom, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, 25 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Thursday 1 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Registration: 2.00pm </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Individuals: $200 per person (inc. GST)</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Sponsor Table of 10:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> $2,400 (inc. GST and logo on table and program).</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Registrations close Monday 28 September, 2009</FONT></B>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10140860969924">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ACS National Elections – Call for Nominations</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President (Membership Boards), National Treasurer and National Congressional Representatives (4).</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The nomination forms, which include selection criteria and information on the roles, are at:</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Congress Representative: </FONT></B> <A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/attachments/NatCongressRep09.pdf">www.acs.org.au/attachments/NatCongressRep09.pdf</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Office Bearer:</FONT></B><B> </B> <A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/attachments/OfficeBearerNomination09.pdf.">www.acs.org.au/attachments/OfficeBearerNomination09.pdf.</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Nominations will close at midnight EDST on Friday 30 October 2009. The positions are elected by ACS Congress and the elections will be held at the ACS Congress meeting 27 November, 2009 in Sydney.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Lending a Hand with Bringing the Next Generation of ICT Practitioners into the Profession</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The ACS Education Professional Year program has been running since early May 2008 and is currently looking for expressions of interest for tutors in the online learning experience for Professionalism in ICT. Read more about the program at</FONT> <A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/pyear/.">http://www.acs.org.au/pyear/.</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The program is delivered in partnership with the ACS Education Professional Year Partners which includes Professional Pathways Australia (PPA), Swinburne University and Navitas in Melbourne, Navitas, Education Centre of Australia and PPA in Sydney. Full details on this are at </FONT><A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=load&temID=pypaccredited">http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=load&temID=pypaccredited</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The Professional Year Partners deliver two components face to face (Business Communications Skills and Australian Workplace Culture) and then arrange work experience placements with host companies. These two components are around 13 weeks each and are part time. The work placement is called an 'internship' and is unpaid and full time for 12 weeks.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The component ACS Education directly conducts is Professionalism in ICT (PICT) and is delivered online in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) at the same time as the internship placement. It is a 14 week program with 2 non contact weeks in which assignments are submitted. Each week the tutor loads the weekly Moodle forums with the work to be undertaken by the participants and grades the work of the participants for the previous week, providing individual feedback to each participant. In all there are between 10 and 20 participants per cohort and the workload is around 10 hours per week. All grades and feedback are deposited in the LMS each week. Because we are working with international graduates, we also take on the role of mentor to help them understand the work of ICT practitioners in Australia.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ACS Education offers a modest payment per student to tutors. For the most part, tutors are motivated by other than money, for example wanting to return something to the profession or an interest in helping those entering the profession to also return something one day. Tutors often learn something along the way as the learning materials are all provided.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Please give some thought to helping ACS Education deliver one of the most highly regarded adult learning experiences in professional development. If you think this could be of interest to you, please contact the program's Academic Program Co-ordinator, Brenda Aysnley.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Brenda can be contacted at:</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Email: </FONT> <A HREF="mailto:brenda.aynsley@acslink.net.au">brenda.aynsley@acslink.net.au</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Mobile: +61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo/Twitter: baynsley</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Phone: 08 7127 0107 : 08 8357 8844 Fax:08 8272 7486</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">CPEP Presentations</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Two of our members were presented with their CPEP Certificates by ACS Victorian Branch Chairman, Ian Wells, at the September ACS Branch Forum:</FONT>
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<IMG SRC="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/acsvic news/iwjd.jpg" WIDTH="125" ALIGN="bottom" BORDER="0"><B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Joe Dempsey </FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Joe Dempsey has been a member of the ACS since 2007 and commenced the CPE Program in early 2008. He achieved excellent results in all his CPEP subjects and finished the program in August 2009 with the specialisation of Enterprise Architecture.</FONT>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Theo Nguyen</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Theo joined the ACS in 2007 and enrolled in the Computer Professional Education Program in the same year. He achieved High Distinction results for all of the CPEP subjects and graduated in August 2007 with his specialist subject Enterprise Ar</FONT>chitecture.
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Business Systems Analysis</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Getting the requirements right is key to successful systems development and maintenance. Many of the problems associated with development and maintenance projects are attributable to business requirement issues – definition, specification, communication and modification.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Analysts need to demonstrate particular skills and techniques which lead to a disciplined and professional end-result. The goal of this practical workshop is to provide analysts with the core concepts and practical techniques to drive system specifications in today’s rapidly changing development environment.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Define the stages of development from initiation to successful implementation of a new business system, and the role the analyst plays</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Perform a feasibility study and a detailed business investigation, including cost/benefit analysis</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Plan and conduct interviews that are both searching and effective</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Organise and analyse the results of an investigation in order to satisfy user requirements</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Become familiar with tools that support modelling and analysis</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Understand the importance of effective documentation to satisfy user requirements</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Recognise the importance of client involvement at all stages of development</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Who should attend:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This course is intended for all staff working in a Business Analyst role. The course will outline the roles and responsibilities of an Analyst in the investigation and delivery of business solutions. Attendees will receive a comprehensive manual, which serves as an excellent reference after the course.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presenter:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Athol Mapham</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Athol Mapham is an accountant by profession and has over 15 years experience in the IT industry, ranging from programming to senior management. In his career he has worked on a wide variety of projects, ranging from vehicle control and manufacturing systems to wholesale banking. Athol joined BIS in 1987 as a Project Manager in Retail Banking, and subsequently held the position of Financial Services Manager with the Banking Group, responsible for the implementation, maintenance and customer support for BIS financial systems. Since his move to the BIS Training group in 1989, Athol has been responsible for the marketing of training and consultancy services to the Federal Government and for training in project management, systems and business analysis and operations management. Athol is a Microsoft Certified Professional trainer for Microsoft Project for Windows, a Chartered Secretary and a member of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Accountants. He delivers regular public and Inhouse courses for the Australian Computer Society.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> ACS Level 2/120 Clarendon Street, Southbank</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Monday 5 to Wednesday 7 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Mon 9:00am-5.30pm, Tues-Wed 8.30am-5.30pm </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> ACS Members: $1250.00 Non Members: $1450.00 (inc. GST)</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 20</FONT></B>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10145737542833">Click here to register</A>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">NETWORKING</FONT></B>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Branch Forum: ICT Governance</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Modern business depends on information technology for just about everything. If the computers go wrong, business stops. If new IT projects fail, future plans end up in disarray. How can the people who should be most concerned - the executive and the board of directors - understand and govern the way that their organisation uses IT? How can they ensure the best outcomes with acceptable risk?</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Most discussion on IT Governance is oriented to IT specialists to help them do their job better. Until now, there has been little focus on the needs of the non-IT executives and the Board. But just as ISO 9000 changed the way organisations think about quality, a new International Standard is set to change the way we think about governance and use of IT.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ISO/IEC 38500 is based on Australia's world leading standard AS8015, published in 2005, which has been used to help numerous organisations improve performance, reduce risk and better control their use of IT. ISO/IEC 38500 makes a real difference because it focuses on govering how IT is used, rather than on how IT is delivered.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This briefing covers:</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The lessons learned from a series of contemporary IT catastrophes, including one that took Australia to the brink of economic crisis (these lessons demonstrate the clear need for a standard);</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Why "IT Projects" often fail to deliver intended business outcomes;</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Why spending on methodolgies and frameworks, such as CoBIT, ITIL and proprietary alternatives, and on so called "Governance Software" delivers only marginal improvement in IT success;</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">How Governance of IT needs to deal with demand as well as supply;</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Why Governance of IT is a board-level responsibility;</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">How ISO/IEC 38500 guides organisations in establishing an effective system of governance;</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">How the principles set down in the standard should be used to guide the behaviour of the organisation, and ti owners, directors, executives and managers, in making decisions about the use of IT.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ACS members have an important role, to provide advice to senior business leaders on the best ways that IT can be used and delivered for business benefit. Members and guests who attend this briefing on ISO/IEC 38500 will take away a new frame of reference and a new language for discussion with those business leaders on how technology decisions are made. They will also understand how ISO/IEC 38500 complements, rather than replaces established frameworks like CoBIT, ITIL, Prince 2 and so on. They will have made the first step toward adopting the standard - merely by being properly aware of what it is about.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presenter: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Mark Toomey</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Mark Toomey is a leading international expert in the field of corporate governance of information technology, having been deeply involved in the development of the new International Standard, ISO/IEC 38500, and its predecessor, Australian Standard AS8015. Mark's publications include "The Director's IT Compass" and the forthcoming "Corporate Governance of Information Technology". He has also penned numerous papers on IT Governance and IT failures, and regularly speaks to diverse audiences about corporate governance ot IT. His company, Infonomics, specialises in helping corporate leaders understand and improve their organisation's Governance of IT.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Telstra Theatrette, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Wednesday 21 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 5:30pm for a 6:00pm </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> ACS Members: $0.00 - Non Members: $20.00</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 2</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> </FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9011&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10119427421397">Click here to register</A>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">EVENTS</FONT></B>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">UniGateway Business Breakfast: The Commercialisation of Knowledge</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">You are invited to attend UniGateway's first Melbourne Business Breakfast, including the official launch of UniGateway. The theme for the breakfast is 'The commercialisation of Knowledge' and is amust for anyone who is interested in turning an idea into a reality.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Join UniGateway's expert panel which will discuss:</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Commonwealth Commercialisation Institute - Tricia Berman, General Manager, Innovation Policy Division, DIISR</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Intellectual property protection and ownership - Malcolm Bell, Partner of Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick Lawyers</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">From research to marketplace - Dr Elaine Saunders</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Project funding - Michael Panaccio, Investment Principal, Starfish Ventures</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The power of the Angels - Jordan Green, Chairman/Founder of Melbourne Angels</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Issues affecting the transfer of knowledge - Bruce Whan, Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 2 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Tuesday 6 October, 2009</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">: 7 - 9am, with networking until 9:30am</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> FREE</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">RSVP: Wednesday 30 September, 2009. Registrations are essential.</FONT>
<A HREF="http://www.unigateway.com.au/about-us/events">Click here to register</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For further information: Contact Gael Andrews: </FONT><A HREF="mailto:gael.andrews@unigateway.com.au">gael.andrews@unigateway.com.au</A> or 0403 920 377
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">What Women Want - the ACS and Victorian ICT Women's Network invite you to find out.</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">No, it's not Mel Gibson being able to suddenly be able to hear what women really think, but it is what ICT women had to tell the ACS during 2008 when 28% of its female membership participated in a month long survey, still believed to be the only survey of this type of Australian women in ICT.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Our October Breakfast, will briefly outline the results and recommendations of the survey, but rather than have a special guest speaker, we are doing something a little different at this event.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This Breakfast Event will be a real chance to network with your fellow ICT females. We'd like you to come along and share both your own workplace issues and most importantly your successes and techniques you made use of when overcoming some of the obstacles. </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">A number of workplaces are starting to provide the kind of support that will keep women in the workforce, particularly at more senior levels, but woman are still leaving the workforce and not just in ICT.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Come along in October and have your chance to tell us your own stories. </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Dictionary.com: network - noun</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Telecommunications, Computers. a system containing any combination of computers, computer terminals, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunication equipment or cables: used to transmit or receive information.</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">An association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, helpful information, or the like.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For marketing purposes, please let us know if you are both a member of the ACS and Vic ICT for Women. </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">All are welcome, including our male colleagues and we look forward to welcoming you at the breakfast!</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Thursday 15 October, 2009</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 7.00am for 7.30am - 9.00am</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> RACV City Club, 501 Bourke Street Melbourne, Bourke Rooms 1 & 2</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> ACS & VIC ICT Members $40.00 - ACS & VIC ICT Student Members $30.00 - Non Members $50.00 </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Our ACS-W/VicICT4W Breakfasts book out early and places are strictly limited. Register early to avoid disappointment!</FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10145737605026">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Join the ACS-Women LinkedIn Group:</FONT></B> <A HREF="http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?gid=1119197">Click Here</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ATUG Focus Forums</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ATUG is holding a national series of Focus Forums on the Telecoms Reform Package for members and guests during October to make sure the voice of end users is heard during this important reform. This package is the most significant reform to the sector since open competition was introduced in 1997.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Have your say at our Focus Forum on the 2009 Telecommunications Reform Package!</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For details of the forums and dates, please visit</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#800080"><A HREF="http://www.atug.com.au">www.atug.com.au</A></FONT><BR>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2009 Conference</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Carrying on the FOSS4G conference tradition 2009 will present a comprehensive agenda, combining content from across the geospatial spectrum.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">In line with the 2009 theme, "User Driven", the conference will have renewed focus on the business imperatives for adopting open source solutions. The program will contain a broad range of presentations and case studies that address the topics of interest to managers and decision makers as well as those that may be more technically orientated.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">There is a supurb range of workshops and tuitorials that will appeal to those new to geospatial and looking to get started, and to those that are keen to expand their skills and take their existing implementations and projects to the next level.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">FOSS4G 2009 also boasts a excellent range of keynote speakers. FOSS4G is a unique event which collects together a global community into a single location for an intensive week of activity. Year on year, FOSS4G provides a great opportunity to take part in a very special event, where ideas mix together with language to create a network of collaboration and creativity.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 20-23 October 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 9.00am - 5.00pm </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 5</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">ACS members receive a 5% discount.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Visit the website to register online: </FONT></B> <A HREF="https://ei.eventinfotech.com.au/ei/rs.esp?id=739&scriptid=LOGINDR">https://ei.eventinfotech.com.au/ei/rs.esp?id=739&scriptid=LOGINDR</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)</FONT></B>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Victorian Chapter Women in Project Management (WIPM) Breakfast Event – 21 October, 2009</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Jane Collyer will present on 'Championing Project Management as a Career in Professional Services'.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">7.30am Mercure Hotel, 13 Spring Street Melbourne</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Further details: </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000"> <A HREF="http://www.AIPM.com.au">www.AIPM.com.au</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Registration:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000"> <A HREF="http://www.aipm.com.au/html/event_registration.cfm?eventId=92686&eventDateId=95212&step=2">http://www.aipm.com.au/html/event_registration.cfm?eventId=92686&eventDateId=95212&step=2</A></FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">22nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'09)</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The 22nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'09) is being hosted by Monash University, Faculty of Information Technology and will be co-located with the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM'09) and the Fourth Australian Conference on Artificial Life (ACAL'09).</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> University of Melbourne, ICT Building (105), 111 Barry Street, Parkville Campus, Melbourne</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 1-4 December, 2009</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Further information can be found at:</FONT> <A HREF="http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/about/news/conferences/ai09">http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/about/news/conferences/ai09/</A>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">To register:</FONT> <A HREF="http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/about/news/conferences/ai09/Pages/Registration.html">http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/about/news/conferences/ai09/Pages/Registration.html</A>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">OzWIT 2009: Australian Celebration of Women in ICT</FONT></B>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Monash University, Caulfield Campus December 1, 2009.</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Featuring: Jo Miller, The Women's Leadership Coach and one of Silicon Valley's Women of influence for 2008. Jo will deliver her "Becoming a Person of Influence" interactive workshop</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presentations, panels and papers (unrefereed) will be accepted until 30 August. </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Registration Opens: 15 September, 2009</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Conference costs:</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">$100.00 Early Bird (before 31 October) $90.00 for presenters;</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">$125.00 after 31 October;</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">$50.00 for current students.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">More details on conference registration will be available in September. These costs do not include the Conference Dinner.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Co-Chairs: Dr Catherine Lang; Associate Professor Julie Fisher and Dr Annemieke Craig</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For more information: </FONT> <A HREF="http://www.ozwit.org/version_three/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1">http://www.ozwit.org/version_three/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This Conference is proudly sponsored by ACS-W</FONT></B>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Join the Victorian ACS-Women LinkedIn Group at: </FONT></B><A HREF="http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/1119197">http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/1119197</A>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Young IT in the Pub featuring a Special Guest!</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">We are pleased to announce that this month's YIT in the Pub event will feature a distinguished ICT professional.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Our special guest will provide an informal talk at the commencement of the evening and will then stay and network with Young ICT professionals. This event will provide you with a great opportunity to speak to a very successful ICT professional about the ICT industry and your career.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">As always, this event provides for a great forum to get together with like minded people, peers and fellow students for a drink and have a chat in a relaxed atmosphere.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Drinks & Refreshments Provided!</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> The Imperial Hotel, Cnr Bourke & Spring Streets, Melbourne</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Thursday 26 November, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 6:00pm </FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10145737373022">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">MIT Computer Club Formed</FONT></B>
<IMG SRC="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/acsvic news/comclub.jpg" WIDTH="200" ALIGN="bottom" BORDER="0"><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">As an initiative taken by the Young IT Victoria and with the support of Melbourne Institute of Technology, a Computer club was formed at Melbourne Institute of Technology. The inauguration of the club was on the 22 September and the event saw over 45 students and 6 staff in attendance. The special guest for the event was Jeanette Wirt (ACS-W Vic Chair). Jeanette talked about having fun while aiming for a successful career in ICT. The talk got the students to rethink their priorities in life and how important fun is for a successful career. Yasas Abeywickrama (National YIT Director) and Fiona Teakle (YIT-Vic Chair) also gave talks regarding ACS and YIT respectively. The strength of the club grew to over a 100 students by the end of the event.</FONT>
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<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Network with professionals in your field</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Keep updated with your industry</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Located in every state</FONT>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Get involved with the ACS</FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=show&conID=sigs">Click here to see the special interest groups available in Victoria.</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Like to form a Special Interest Group: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> </FONT><A HREF="mailto:tom.rose@acs.org.au">Contact Tom Rose</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ACS TSA September Lunchtime Lecture: Software as a Service - SaaS</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cloud-based services are increasingly being considered and more widely adopted by businesses as they offer a cost-effective and flexible alternative to access IT services.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This is particularly important for small and mid-sized businesses – especially now, when many are facing increasing competition along with the presence of economic uncertainty.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This lecture gives a background on Cloud services and describes examples of Services that can be provide including 'PaaS' or platform-as-a-service, 'IaaS' or Infrastructure as a Service, 'SaaS' or software-as-a-service, 'VaaS' or voice-as-a-service and 'CaaS' or communications-as-a-service.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presenter: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Vincent Kennedy, CTO Network Applications Division, NEC Australia</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Vincent Kennedy has extensive knowledge and experience in a variety of Computer and Communication Technologies with over twenty years performing engineering and consulting roles. Vincent was involved in the early deployments of HFC and DSL Broadband systems in Australia including the establishing of NEC’s Nextep broadband network.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Telstra Theatrette, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Tuesday 29 September, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 12:20pm for 12:30pm</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> TSA/ACS Members - FREE - Non-members $10 (inc. GST) </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 2</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For further enquiries please visit our website -</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000"><A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/acstsa">www.acs.org.au/acstsa</A> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000"><B> </B></FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10148598701024">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Software Testing Special Interest Group</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Michael's presentation will be about the practice of Performance Testing, it's foundation, methods, processes, and tools, plus some insights into what makes a successful tester, along with some war stories.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presenter:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Michael Cox</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Michael Cox started in IT in 1973 as a trainee computer operator. Twenty five years later, he had leant enough to change career path (via IMS & DB2 DBA, middle management, Operations Management and eventually Unix middleware developer) to performance testing, initially with Telstra at their mid-range test facility. In the last 11 years Michael has tested a wide variety of applications, all on mid-range platforms, for a long list of companies including ANZ, Telstra, ATO, GMH, Toyota and currently NAB, mostly as a consultant for CPT Global. The majority of the testing has been with either Load Runner or QALoad.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> TBA </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Thursday 8 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">5:30pm for 6.00pm </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Free</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 2 </FONT></B>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10148598687539">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">MobSIG Event: Open Mobile Miner (OMM): A System for Real Time Mobile Data Analysis</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The growth and proliferation of mobile and embedded devices presents an exciting new opportunity for intelligent data analysis.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This talk will present our pioneering contributions in the area of Mobile and Ubiquitous Data Mining in terms of developing the first suite of resource-adaptive and energy-efficient data analysis and visualisation techniques.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">This talk will outline the system architecture and demonstrate our software tool for real-time mobile data analysis. The OMM system is operational on the Google Android and Symbian platforms.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Finally, application case studies for mobile data analysis in the areas of mobile healthcare, emergency/disaster management, Intelligent Transportation Systems and smart energy management will be presented.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Presenter:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Dr Shonali Krishnaswamy</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Dr Shonali Krishnaswamy is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Distributed Systems and Software Engineering at Monash University. Her research interests are in the areas of Mobile and Ubiquitous Data Mining, Pervasive Computing and Web Services. Shonali has published around 100 international peer-reviewed papers. She has been the recipient of the following awards: Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Research by an Early Career Researcher, IBM UIMA Innovation Award, Faculty of Information Technology Early Career Researcher Award and Australian Post Doctoral Fellowship from the Australian Research Council.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Monash University Caulfield Campus, 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Monday 12 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 5:30pm for 6:00pm</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Cost:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Free</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours: 2 </FONT></B>
<A HREF="http://www.monash.edu.au/campuses/caulfield.html">Click Here for directions to the campus</A>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10148598860936">Click here to register</A>
<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ACS Tea House Toastmasters Club Meeting</FONT></B>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The ACS has a special interest group (SIG) in Toastmasters. We have established our own club - Tea House Toastmasters for both ACS Members and Non Members.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For information on meetings, membership fees, etc visit our website <A HREF="http://teahouse.freetoasthost.ws">http://teahouse.freetoasthost.ws/</A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The Toastmasters program will improve your presentation, speaking and listening skills in a supportive, professional environment. The meeting will be fun and entertaining as well as instructional.</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Note:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> This meeting is a Tea House Toastmasters speech contest and guests are unable to attend or register, but we would love to see guests at our next meeting which will be held on 20 October 2009.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">For further information on our speech contest contact <A HREF="mailto:pam.barnes@acs.org.au">pam.barnes@acs.org.au</A> or call 1800 671 003.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">You can attend as a guest to find out more about how Toastmaster meetings are held. Light refreshments will be provided.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Meeting starts at 6.15pm sharp. We hope to see you soon!</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Venue: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> ACS Level 2, 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank</FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Date:</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> Tuesday 20 October, 2009 </FONT>
<B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Time: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"> 6:00pm Sharp </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#009900">PCP Hours 2</FONT>
<A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/vic/index.cfm?action=event&area=9003&temID=eventdetails&eveID=10124531268863">Click here to register</A>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"> </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">BENEFITS</FONT></B>
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<B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ACS Ambassadors Card</FONT></B>
Y<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">our ACS membership card incorporates the Ambassador Card providing you significant savings on dining, entertainment and accommodation. It entitles you to have a second main meal at over 1,600 selected restaurants free, 5% off all purchases through Coles Supermarkets (by pre-purchasing gift card) and WISH gift card - </FONT><A HREF="http://www.wishgiftcard.com.au/home">www.wishgiftcard.com.au/home</A>, <FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">up to 50% off the rack rates at a range of hotels and motels, discounts to tourist attractions and lots more. This Ambassador Card retails normally at $220 and is free to ACS members.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">The details are at: </FONT> <A HREF="http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=show&conID=acsambassador">http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=show&conID=acsambassador</A>
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<DIV ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Australian Computer Society - Victorian Branch</FONT></DIV><BR>
<DIV ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">28 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne, Vic. 3205</FONT></DIV><BR>
<DIV ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"><A HREF="mailto:acsvicnews@acs.org.au">acsvicnews@acs.org.au</A></FONT></DIV><BR>
<DIV ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Ph: (03) 9690 8000 - Fax: (03) 9690 0201</FONT></DIV><BR>
<DIV ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">Visit our website: <A HREF="www.acs.org.au/vic/acshomepage.html">www.acs.org.au/vic/acshomepage.html</A></FONT></DIV>
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<DIV ALIGN=center><B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e">TO UN-SUBSCRIBE GO TO: </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#5e5e5e"><A HREF="https://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=myacs&temID=calleditpreference">https://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm?action=myacs&temID=calleditpreference</A></FONT></DIV><BR>
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