[Foss4g2010] Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Booth for local chapters at FOSS4G 2010

Venka venka.osgeo at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 18:23:27 EST 2010

Namaste and Konnichiwa Lorenzo-san,

On 2010/03/03 1:20, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
>> Sorry about missing the question marks. This is a question related
>> to Jaapanese Chapter. Does it make a difference if was an Indian
>> Question?
> just one of my stupid jokes, I beg your pardon.

Lorenzo, No problem. I really thought that there
would be special rates for some countries. I
personally think that non OECD countries
participants/exhibitors could be charged less to
lower the barrier for these countries. Have tried
to bring this up at Conference_dev but have not
received any response.

The OSGeo-Japan Chapter eagerly awaits the LoC
decision about booth rates for the chapter.

I also received info from Cristna about other
hiring costs. I guess that internet access is
include in the booth cost.



> I cannot decide on my own about this, I will pass through the  LOC.
> At the same time I've added Cristina in CC and she will send you the
> Exhibitors manual so that you can evaluate all costs for the booth.
> namaste lorenzo

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