Hi Bruce, glad to here you've recovered enough ;)<br><br>For me the CCIP process was a bit opaque - could you give Lorenzo and the rest of us an overview on the main benefit of running the process? e.g. how did it add value to the FOSS4G event - both subjectively and financially. And how much work did it require from someone on the LOC?<br><br>Also, do you have any sort of "lessons learned" compiled anywhere?<br><br>Thanks! G'day,<br>Tyler<br><br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: Bruce Bannerman <B.Bannerman@bom.gov.au><br>Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:03 pm<br>Subject: [Foss4g2010] Sponsorship Prospectus [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]<br>To: "'foss4g2010@lists.osgeo.org'" <foss4g2010@lists.osgeo.org><br><br>> Lorenzo,<br>> <br>> > <br>> > hi all,<br>> > we've been revisiting the contents of the prospectus.<br>> > We've set up prices and other details.<br>> > <br>> > there's still a couple of things, mostly about refining <br>> contents and using<br>> > proper English, that should be done.<br>> > <br>> > we invite you all to contribute, in the wiki or in this list.<br>> > <br>> > the revision time will be until next monday then we'll pass <br>> the content to<br>> > the designer for the final layout.<br>> > <br>> > here's the content of the prospectus:<br>> > <br>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010_Sponsorship_and_Exhibitor_Prospectus> <br>> > Lorenzo<br>> <br>> I've had a quick look at the Prospectus.<br>> <br>> For CCIP-2009, we found that trying to get CCIP sponsorship for <br>> participants via the Conference Organiser and also OGC didn't <br>> work and was just plain confusing for potential participants.<br>> <br>> The FOSS4G CCIP sponsorship package offered very little to <br>> potential sponsors.<br>> <br>> <br>> In the end, we assigned the responsibility for obtaining <br>> sponsorship dollars to the OGC.<br>> <br>> <br>> The money that the OGC raised helped run the CCIP project.<br>> <br>> A substantial portion of the major CCIP Sponsor's funding came <br>> back to FOSS4G for booth, conference etc fees.<br>> <br>> I can give you these figures off line.<br>> <br>> <br>> In short, I'd leave the CCIP sponsorship arrangements with the <br>> OGC and negotiate suitable costs depending on CCIP-2010 requirements.<br>> <br>> <br>> I'd say that you will be getting people attending FOSS4G-2010 <br>> just to see the results of CCIP-2010. We will need to ensure <br>> that there is a definite programe of interest presented. So <br>> there will be additional return there as well.<br>> <br>> <br>> Bruce<br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Foss4g2010 mailing list<br>> Foss4g2010@lists.osgeo.org<br>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2010<br>>