[foss4g2014] lenticular

David Percy percyd at pdx.edu
Sun Oct 20 15:57:44 PDT 2013

I talked to the google folks about how they produced that cool notebook
that I have shown some of you.

to those that haven't seen it, it has every year's google summer of code
(GSOC) logo from 2005 to 2010 imprinted on the cover of the notebook, and
as you move it vertically it switches between logos.

we have been talking about doing the same thing with the FOSS4G logos,
perhaps going all the way back to 2004. this would be the coolest FOSS4G
shwag EVER!

I now know that this is called lenticular printing. the lead GSOC person is
looking into doing something like that again for next year's 10th
anniversary, but she told me that she thought it was too many images.

however, from my research some printing companies say they can morph up to
20 images, so I think we'll be okay.

After we get the 2014 logo created, I will contact some printing companies
and get bids.

David Percy ("Percy")
-Geospatial Data Manager
-Web Map Wrangler
-GIS Instructor
Portland State University
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