[FOSS4G2016] Update:

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Tue May 5 02:37:04 PDT 2015

Dear all,

just some updates on the stand of plannings on FOSs4G2016:

Due to illness, long weekends and other delays we are still in the
progress of formatting our corportation. I hope to get that officially
done by this week, then we have to wait for the finance office...

This thursday evening I have a meeting with Olaf, a friend of mine, who
shoots movies on a semi-professional base. We want to make a movie I can
show in South Korea for our invitation for the world. Also for this I
hope to get two or three dates from WCCB soon, so we can shoot some
scenes inside WCCB.
If there are any ideas regarding the movie, please feel free to contribute!

Also Volker Mische, the chair of our program comittee wants to come to
Bonn, so he can check the rooms we've reserved for the conference.

Last week I had a meeting with Bonn Tourismus GmbH, we talked about
blocking of Hotels (they must do it now and they do for 1000 overnights)
and also about field trips. They will make a field-trip-program we can
directly put on the website.

Another idea came up on a recent meeting with the city of Bonn, maybe on
the weekend before: There are some open hacking movements here in
Germany where people meet and hack anything with free data and free
software (open hack evenings). The idea was, to organize kind of free
hack weekend with themes - similar to the hacking workshops they
performed in Nottingham. Any opinions on that?

So far for today,


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