[fusion-trac] #496: There is no code injection prevention in redline name

Fusion trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 1 00:43:17 EST 2011

#496: There is no code injection prevention in redline name
   Reporter:  liuar    |       Owner:  liuar 
       Type:  defect   |      Status:  new   
   Priority:  P2       |   Milestone:  Future
  Component:  Widgets  |     Version:  2.0   
   Severity:  Major    |    Keywords:        
External_id:           |       State:  New   
    Browser:  All      |          Os:  All   
 1. Create a redline layer, add it to map and then edit markup[[BR]]
 2. Create a line[[BR]]
 3. Use "</abc" as its name.[[BR]]
 4. Click "Update text"[[BR]]
 "</abc" is used as label and the name in the redline list should also be
 "</abc" only shows as label in map. In redline list, it's empty.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/496>
Fusion <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion>
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.

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