[fusion-users] Fusion not finding MapServer

Denise MacLeod Denise.MacLeod at ingres.com
Tue May 20 17:04:31 EDT 2008

Hi all -

I'm new to Fusion and MapServer.

I have followed the tutorial located on the website, http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/wiki/MapServerTutorial and read thru various parts of the mailing list archive.

I can see the map rendering on a webpage when it's just via mapserver (calling http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=map&map=/home/denise/GeoSpatial/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.map).

When I load the fusion web page, I created from the tutorial, http://localhost/demo all I see is a simple 2 column table, without any data or labels.

The index.html file  ---> I used the default from the webpage.

The ApplicationDefinition.xml file ---> I used the default from the webpage, ensuring that mapserv executable was in the cgi-bin/mapserv path specified (it already was) and changing the MapFile line to point to my map file (same map file used above).

However, when I attempt to use the fusion interface to view the map, I do not see any data.  Both the php.ini and fusion config file point to /tmp directory; and there are no errors logged in httpd/error_log.

Another interesting point, I took executable perms off of mapserv (on purpose), and I did not receive any errors when loading the fusion webpage. I did receive the correct error when attempting to reload the mapserv page directly (error_log:  [Tue May 20 16:01:35 2008] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: exec of '/var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv' failed) 

Any ideas on why fusion is not calling the mapserver executable?  Any more debugging I can turn on?

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