[fusion-users] compatibility problems

Nolte, Tim Tim.Nolte at ipcswirelessinc.com
Thu Jun 4 16:57:46 EDT 2009


I am happy to report that I am having some success implementing
MapServer 5.4 and Fusion 2. Prior to that I did have MapServer 5.2 and
Fusion 1.1.1 somewhat working however we are going to be trying to move
to using a TileCache server and supposedly Fusion 2.x will work with
that, even though I have yet to try it. Can you provide some samples of
your mapfile?

- Tim

Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
Network Planning Engineer

iPCS Wireless, Inc.
4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
Kentwood, MI 49512

Office: 616-656-5163
PCS:    616-706-2438
Fax:    616-554-6484
Web: www.ipcswirelessinc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Mauricio
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:33 PM
To: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [fusion-users] compatibility problems

Hello Fusion users

I have serious problem... Well really I have a big doubt.. I hope you
can help me

My questions are:

1.- Fusion 1.1.1  is compatible with new versions of MapServer 5.4.0 or
possible next versions? 

2.-With what version of MapServer  is compatible Fusion 1.1.1? or no

3.-What happen if the mapserver developers add new functions or keywords
in the mapfile? Will Fusion detect or recognize? Fusion continue to
operate? or for every version of mapserver ,  Fusion developer need to
do implementations?

I explain my before questions:  I develop a new keywords for MapServer
in the  mapfile.. and I dont have any problem for testing my keywords in
a simple HTML  application and mode CGI.. Only I have problems with
Fusion..It does not show me my maps.. If I delete or comment my new
keywords in the mapfile, Fusion show me the maps.... 

Thank you


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