[fusion-users] RE: Scale and Unit problems with state plane coord sys

Mark Pendergraft markp at Meadgilman.com
Thu Feb 4 14:18:47 EST 2010

I looked in the active tickets and it appears that there is already one for
supporting proj4js, which i believe is the root of the problem here.  The
default projection for openlayers is EPSG:4326 and my map is in EPSG:2926. 
So the viewer opens and treats the map as if it were in 4326 regardless of
the projection of the map.

For those interested, i was able to implement a workaround by editing the
openlayers.js file around line 14636:
projection: "EPSG:4326",

to be:
projection: "EPSG:2926",

this is not a very effective workaround though, as it assumes all of your
maps are in the same projection.

-Mark P.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Scale-and-Unit-problems-with-state-plane-coord-sys-tp4499208p4515602.html
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