Hi list!<br><br>I've sent this message a week ago, but I'm not sure if you recieved the hole message (message body). <br>So, I am sending one more time. Please, at least reply me a confirmation =]<br><br>First of all, I am Vitor Fortunato, from Brazil, and I
am developing an application based on Fusion as my last work for
graduation (monography). So I decided to bring more features to Fusion.<br><br>I need some directions to use the method map.getSelection(callback, layers, startcount).<br>
After select some features in the map, am I able to call this method and return all selected features (ids) and layers names?<br>My point is to do an Attribute Table, that persists in PostGIS.<br><br>I've
started a new widget and I want to get the selected features ids and
layers names of each feature after select some features and execute the
button that call the Attribute Table.<br>
<br>My widget is attached in this mail. Note that I am just starting to use Fusion and some code may be incorrect.<br>This is the first version that look just for the active layer to make the grid.<br><br>The file:<br><a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/fusion-users/attachments/20080427/1214aa04/AttTable-0001.js" target="_blank">http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/fusion-users/attachments/20080427/1214aa04/AttTable-0001.js</a><br>
<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br>