[gdal-dev] Re: XML Information (was OpenMap 3.0 is available) (fwd)

Liujian Qian qian at g...
Thu Dec 10 15:47:24 EST 1998

Hi, just thought this might be of interest to you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 10:31:55 +0100
From: David Skogan <David.Skogan at i...>
To: ron_lake at f...
Cc: OGC Technical Committee <tc at o...>,
WWW Mapping SIG <wwwmap.sig at o...>
Subject: XML Information (was Re: OpenMap 3.0 is available)
Resent-Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 04:30:06 -0500
Resent-From: wwwmap.sig at o...


Here is some information about the progress of XML based Geographic
Information Standards.

ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics part 18 Encoding has chosen XML
as the encoding format. This is described in document ISO/TC 211/WG4 N099
Encoding Working Draft 3.0. My plan is to issue WD 4.0 in the middle of
January 1999 and then issue a CD (Committee Draft) in February 1999. 

The ISO Encoding document describes rules for how to map UML schema
information to XML DTD's and how to map data based on UML schemas into XML
files. In theory we can define XML tags based constructs defined in any UML
model. Thus if OGC creates UML models at a certain level of detail, we can
use the Encoding rules of ISO/TC 211 and have an XML based exchange standard. 

The Encoding standard will be based on OMG's SMIF (Stream based Interchange
Format). See

Work item 18 Encoding is on the list of critical areas identified in the
OGC and ISO/TC 211 cooperation plan.

The Encoding standard will not use the XML style mechanisms. ISO/TC 211
part 17 Portrayal is developing a UML diagram for describing portrayal

If you have any ideas or would like to contribute to the work please
contact me.


David Skogna
Project Leader Work Item 18 Encoding ISO/TC 211

(SINTEF is a member of OGC)

SINTEF Telecom and Informatics Phone: +47 22 06 78 95
P.O. Box 124 Blindern Fax : +47 22 06 73 50
N-0314 OSLO, NORWAY Email: David.Skogan at i...
Web : http://www.informatics.sintef.no/~das/

At 01:36 1998-12-09 -0800, you wrote:
>Here is a discussion note on XML for some SIG to consider.
>Attachment Converted: "P:\E-POST\vedlegg\XML in OGC1.doc"

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