OGR2OGR Postgresql field names

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at l...
Thu Jul 25 15:17:55 EDT 2002

>One would be to provide a way of overriding output column names in ogr2ogr
>but then you would have to set each column by hand.
I can see the value in this - Arcinfo has this kind of option for outputing
dbase files. It's good because my input coverages sometimes have
db-unfriendly field names (ie. MYFIELD# and MYFIELD-ID).
That said, if one is doing this interactively and regularly it can get
tedious. Perhaps a template text file could direct the mappings or save
the last set of mappings?

>Another would be to provide a "layer creation option" to the
>driver that would cause it to flatten the names.
This would be the biggest bang for the buck, I think. Simply let it dump
all the field names flattened out. I'd love this kind of option!

>I don't have any immediate plans on doing this but I would be interested
>in opinion on how it should be done.
Is this only an issue with the coverage->postgresql or is it with other
data types as well?


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