[Gdal-dev] MapInfo mixing geometry types in a layer

Ben Discoe ben at vterrain.org
Thu Nov 28 15:57:58 EST 2002

Happy Thanksgiving, Frank.  Since we're both working on a holiday, i figure
i'll bug you with more questions :-)

I'm using OGR to read some MapInfo .MAP/.TAB files.  Most are working fine,
but for some of them i am encountering a strange behavior.

When i ask the type of the layer:

	OGRFeatureDefn *defn = pLayer->GetLayerDefn();
	OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type = defn->GetGeomType();

it says "OGRLineString."  However, when i am reading each geometry, some of
them are OGRLineString, and some of them are OGRMultiLineString!

Is this an expected behavior, correct OGR functioning?  Does MapInfo really
mix geometry types within a single layer, ESRI Shapefiles sure don't.


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