[Gdal-dev] gdalwarp output

Gillian Walter gillian.walter at atlantis-scientific.com
Tue Oct 28 11:56:34 EST 2003


Could you use VRT as an intermediate format?  This is an xml text format 
that stores references to data bands rather than copying/extracting them 
(metadata is stored in the text file though).

gdal_translate -of VRT -b 1 input.tif input.vrt

If you use input.vrt as the input to gdalwarp, maybe that would avoid 
the extraction?

- Gillian

Ray Joslyn wrote:

>I could do that however the problem I run into then is that I'm left
>having to extract the image at full resolution (since no pixel down
>sampling is available in gdal_translate, correct?) which can be quite
>memory intensive since gdal_translate also does not have a memory usage
>switch to set the amount of memory for caching.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com] 
>Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:27 AM
>To: gdal-dev at remotesensing.org
>Subject: Re: [Gdal-dev] gdalwarp output
>Ray Joslyn wrote:
>>Is it possible to get gdalwarp to output only a specific channel or
>>(similar to the -b parameter of gdal_translate) of a jp2 image?
>Not as things stand.  Rather then wedging a huge amount of complexity
>gdalwarp I would strongly encourage you to use gdal_translate to cut out
>band(s) you want before running gdalwarp.  If you need a customized
>pipeline you could always write your own modified utility using the
>API.  Looking at gdalwarp would be a good start.
>Best regards,

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