[Gdal-dev] census 2000 tiger 108th org2ogr errors

Heitzso heitzso at growthmodels.com
Wed Sep 24 12:58:47 EDT 2003

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>            COUNTY
>>  RT2  6194 -021
>>       2941 -023
>>       4223 -049
>>      12540 -139
>>       1805 -201
>>       7148 -223
>>  RT5  1013 -001
>>  RTS  3509 -001
>>  RT2    40 -001
>>  RTI 10106 -001
> What were the errors you encountered?  Can you give me the direct url to
> one of the datasets that had problems (and the layer causing it)?  Does
> the problem occur even if converting to Shapefile, or just when converting
> to PostGIS?

The files came from census 2000 108th congressional district tiger files
for Georgia and are found at
as tgr13___.zip files.  So, from my short table above, the
county '-001' files came from tgr13001.zip.

I didn't try to convert the data into shape files, only directly
into postgis tables.  I'll try now. (pause)

   $ ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' shape tiger FeatureIds
   ERROR 3: Failed to read record 1013 of TGR13001.RT5

In the directory 'tiger' I placed the unpacked tiger
files for 13001 (Georgia, county 001) and ran the above
command.   This corresponds to one of the above error

Extracting records around 1013 from RT5:
513001    1007  Hamp Cray                     Ln
513001    1008  Solomon                       Trl
513001    1009  Varn Adore                    Ln
513001    1010  Ogden Bk
513001    1011  Griffis                       Rd
513001    1012  Dasher                        Rd
513001    1013  Over                          St
513001    1014  Chad Claxton                  St

This is the first time I've tried to go digging for the
problem.  Using scite's ability to display white space
and end of line I looked at these records and cannot
see anything unusual about record # 1013.

I'm stopping at this point, though will, if requested,
go through all of the supported layers.

Let me know what else you want me to do to help.


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