R: [Gdal-dev] GetSpatialRef() returns a NULL pointer.

Sanges Michele Michele.Sanges at otomelara.it
Tue Aug 3 03:27:17 EDT 2004

> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at shaw.ca]
> Inviato: lunedì 2 agosto 2004 16.25
> A: gdal-dev at xserve.flids.com; Sanges Michele
> Oggetto: Re: [Gdal-dev] GetSpatialRef() returns a NULL pointer.
> Michele, do you have a projection file with your shapefile (i.e. 
> airports.prj)?  SpatialRef is the spatial reference system 
> point.  Is it the 
> projection info itself you are looking for?  It didn't sound 
> like it from 
> your email.  I think you want to get at the geometries, not a 
> spatialref.
> Tyler

I want extract the GEOGRAPHIC (or UTM) COORDINATES from some vector map files (ESRI shapefile), which do not have the relative prj file.
I get the geometries in order to draw the different shapes (point, line, polyline, polygon...) embedded in any shapefile, but how can I get the geographic coordinates? I'm newbie in OGR, and I thought that it was made by means the SpatialRef class.

Thanks a lot.

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