[Gdal-dev] Filesize limit exceeded using Jpeg2000

Ken Sewell sewell at dramail.com
Wed Jul 28 18:04:51 EDT 2004

1) I couldn't find any information on limits within JasPer, so I gave it
a shot :)

2) My mistake, I wasn't giving it the -of JPEG2000 option.  I thought
gdal could figure it out from the extension.  Using the following command:

gdal_translate -of JPEG2000 03feb22182535_ortho_sharp 03feb22182535_ortho_sharp.jp2

I get the following:

Input file size is 22920, 28830
0...10...20...30.ERROR 1: Unable to write scanline 0 of the component 1.

The first file is in ENVI format (which works great now, thanks alot).

3) Yes, VSI_LARGE_API_SUPPORTED is defined to 1.

I forgot to mention it but the system I'm running on is Suse linux 9.1, so
the kernel is a fairly recent 2.6.  Thanks.


Ken Sewell                   Defense Research Associates
Project Engineer             3915 Germany Lane, Suite 102
937-431-1644                 Beavercreek, Ohio 45431-1608
sewell at dramail.com

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Ken Sewell wrote:
> > I'm running on the latest GDAL CVS and I'm trying to convert a file that
> > is about 4-5G into a .jp2  As soon as the .jp2 file reaches 2G in size I
> > get this error:
> >
> > Input file size is 22920, 28830
> > 0...10...20...30...40...50..ERROR 1:
> > TIFFAppendToStrip:03feb22182535_ortho_sharp.jp2: Write error at scanline
> > 18017
> > ERROR 1: TIFFWriteScanline failed.
> > Filesize limit exceeded
> >
> > My system certainly supports large files, so I'm assuming its a gdal or
> > jasper issue.  I have gdal compiled against the hacked jasper
> > ( jasper-1.701.0.uuid ).  Any ideas?  Thanks.
> Ken,
> First, I don't think you can practically produce JP2 files of this size
> using JasPer.  As far as I know it needs to hold everything in RAM.   You
> normally need the JP2KAK driver to produce large JP2 files.
> Second, are you sure you are writting in JP2 format?  It is in the middle
> of the TIFF driver where you run into problems.  What was the command you
> issued?
> Third, is VSI_LARGE_API_SUPPORTED defined to 1 in gdal/port/cpl_config.h?
> If not, you won't be able to operate on files larger than 4GB.  If it is
> and you are unable to product TIFF files in the 2-4GB range there is an
> issue I would like to look into.
> Best regards,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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