[Gdal-dev] problem with gdal 1.2.5?

Norman Barker normanb at comsine.co.uk
Tue Nov 23 13:57:46 EST 2004

Hi Frank,

I have recompiled Proj 4.4.9 and added your fix but get the same error.

I am using the GDAL 1.2.3 that comes with OpenEV on windows and
that works fine.  Do you have any other suggestions?



Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Norman Barker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have GDAL 1.2.3 running on my Windows machine and this works fine
>> (from the spot/chicago geotiff samples on ftp.remotesensing.org)
>> gdalwarp -t_srs wgs84 UTM2GTIF.TIF out.tif
>> however on linux running GDAL 1.2.5 with Proj and the NAD27 add in I get
>> the following
>> gdalwarp -t_srs wgs84 UTM2GTIF.TIF out.tif
>> ERROR 1: geocentric transformation missing z or ellps
>> ERROR 1: GDALWarperOperation::ComputeSourceWindow() failed because
>> the pfnTransformer failed.
>> Can anyone see anything wrong?
> Norman,
> This is a known problem with the release version of PROJ.4, and 
> attempting
> to transform multiple points, some of which fail.  I have attached the
> fixed pj_transform.c.  I *think* that will fix the problem.  I don't know
> why this would have changed between GDAL 1.2.3 and 1.2.5.
> Best regards,
> ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- 
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, 
> warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
> * $Id: pj_transform.c,v 1.14 2004/11/05 06:05:11 fwarmerdam Exp $
> *
> * Project:  PROJ.4
> * Purpose:  Perform overall coordinate system to coordinate system 
> *           transformations (pj_transform() function) including reprojection
> *           and datum shifting.
> * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
> *
> ******************************************************************************
> * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
> *
> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
> * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
> * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
> * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
> * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
> * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> *
> * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
> * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> *
> ******************************************************************************
> *
> * $Log: pj_transform.c,v $
> * Revision 1.14  2004/11/05 06:05:11  fwarmerdam
> * Fixed pj_geocentric_to_geodetic() to not try and process HUGE_VAL values
> * (those that have failed some previous transform step).  Related to bug:5B
> *     http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642
> *
> * Revision 1.13  2004/10/25 15:34:36  fwarmerdam
> * make names of geodetic funcs from geotrans unique
> *
> * Revision 1.12  2004/05/03 19:45:23  warmerda
> * Altered so that raw ellpses are treated as a essentially having a
> * +towgs84=0,0,0 specification so ellpisoid shifts are applied.
> * Fixed so that prime meridian shifts are applied if the coordinate system is
> * not lat/long (ie. if it is projected).  This fixes:
> * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=510
> *
> * Revision 1.11  2004/01/24 09:37:19  warmerda
> * pj_transform() will no longer return an error code if any of the points are
> * transformable.  In this case the application is expected to check for
> * HUGE_VAL to identify failed points.
> * As part of the implementation, I added a list of pj_errno values that
> * are transient (ie per-point) rather than indicating global failure for the
> * coordinate system definition.  We use this in deciding which pj_fwd and
> * pj_inv error codes are really fatal and should be reported.
> *
> * Revision 1.10  2003/08/21 02:09:06  warmerda
> * added a bunch of HUGE_VAL checking
> *
> * Revision 1.9  2003/03/26 16:52:30  warmerda
> * added check that an inverse transformation func exists
> *
> * Revision 1.8  2002/12/14 20:35:43  warmerda
> * implement units support for geocentric coordinates
> *
> * Revision 1.7  2002/12/14 20:14:35  warmerda
> * added geocentric support
> *
> * Revision 1.6  2002/12/09 16:01:02  warmerda
> * added prime meridian support
> *
> * Revision 1.5  2002/12/01 19:25:26  warmerda
> * applied fix for 7 param shift in pj_geocentric_from_wgs84, see bug 194
> *
> * Revision 1.4  2002/02/15 14:30:36  warmerda
> * provide default Z array if none passed in in pj_datum_transform()
> *
> * Revision 1.3  2001/04/04 21:13:21  warmerda
> * do arcsecond/radian and ppm datum parm transformation in pj_set_datum()
> *
> * Revision 1.2  2001/04/04 16:08:08  warmerda
> * rewrote 7 param datum shift to match EPSG:9606, now works with example
> *
> * Revision 1.1  2000/07/06 23:32:27  warmerda
> * New
> *
> */
>#include <projects.h>
>#include <string.h>
>#include <math.h>
>#include "geocent.h"
>PJ_CVSID("$Id: pj_transform.c,v 1.14 2004/11/05 06:05:11 fwarmerdam Exp $");
>#define SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR 6378137.0
>#define SRS_WGS84_ESQUARED 0.006694379990
>#define Dx_BF (defn->datum_params[0])
>#define Dy_BF (defn->datum_params[1])
>#define Dz_BF (defn->datum_params[2])
>#define Rx_BF (defn->datum_params[3])
>#define Ry_BF (defn->datum_params[4])
>#define Rz_BF (defn->datum_params[5])
>#define M_BF  (defn->datum_params[6])
>** This table is intended to indicate for any given error code in 
>** the range 0 to -44, whether that error will occur for all locations (ie.
>** it is a problem with the coordinate system as a whole) in which case the
>** value would be 0, or if the problem is with the point being transformed
>** in which case the value is 1. 
>** At some point we might want to move this array in with the error message
>** list or something, but while experimenting with it this should be fine. 
>static int transient_error[45] = {
>    /*             0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   */
>    /* 0 to 9 */   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
>    /* 10 to 19 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1,  
>    /* 20 to 29 */ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 
>    /* 30 to 39 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 
>    /* 40 to 44 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
>/*                            pj_transform()                            */
>/*                                                                      */
>/*      Currently this function doesn't recognise if two projections    */
>/*      are identical (to short circuit reprojection) because it is     */
>/*      difficult to compare PJ structures (since there are some        */
>/*      projection specific components).                                */
>int pj_transform( PJ *srcdefn, PJ *dstdefn, long point_count, int point_offset,
>                  double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    long      i;
>    int       need_datum_shift;
>    pj_errno = 0;
>    if( point_offset == 0 )
>        point_offset = 1;
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Transform geocentric source coordinates to lat/long.            */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( srcdefn->is_geocent )
>    {
>        if( z == NULL )
>        {
>            pj_errno = PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>            return PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>        }
>        if( srcdefn->to_meter != 1.0 )
>        {
>            for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>            {
>                x[point_offset*i] *= srcdefn->to_meter;
>                y[point_offset*i] *= srcdefn->to_meter;
>            }
>        }
>        if( pj_geocentric_to_geodetic( srcdefn->a, srcdefn->es,
>                                       point_count, point_offset, 
>                                       x, y, z ) != 0) 
>            return pj_errno;
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Transform source points to lat/long, if they aren't             */
>/*      already.                                                        */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    else if( !srcdefn->is_latlong )
>    {
>        if( srcdefn->inv == NULL )
>        {
>            pj_errno = -17; /* this isn't correct, we need a no inverse err */
>            if( getenv( "PROJ_DEBUG" ) != NULL )
>            {
>                fprintf( stderr, 
>                       "pj_transform(): source projection not invertable\n" );
>            }
>            return pj_errno;
>        }
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            XY         projected_loc;
>            LP	       geodetic_loc;
>            projected_loc.u = x[point_offset*i];
>            projected_loc.v = y[point_offset*i];
>            if( projected_loc.u == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            geodetic_loc = pj_inv( projected_loc, srcdefn );
>            if( pj_errno != 0 )
>            {
>                if( pj_errno > 0 || pj_errno < -44 || point_count == 1
>                    || transient_error[-pj_errno] == 0 )
>                    return pj_errno;
>                else
>                {
>                    geodetic_loc.u = HUGE_VAL;
>                    geodetic_loc.v = HUGE_VAL;
>                }
>            }
>            x[point_offset*i] = geodetic_loc.u;
>            y[point_offset*i] = geodetic_loc.v;
>        }
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      But if they are already lat long, adjust for the prime          */
>/*      meridian if there is one in effect.                             */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( srcdefn->from_greenwich != 0.0 )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            if( x[point_offset*i] != HUGE_VAL )
>                x[point_offset*i] += srcdefn->from_greenwich;
>        }
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Convert datums if needed, and possible.                         */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( pj_datum_transform( srcdefn, dstdefn, point_count, point_offset, 
>                            x, y, z ) != 0 )
>        return pj_errno;
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      But if they are staying lat long, adjust for the prime          */
>/*      meridian if there is one in effect.                             */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( dstdefn->from_greenwich != 0.0 )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            if( x[point_offset*i] != HUGE_VAL )
>                x[point_offset*i] -= dstdefn->from_greenwich;
>        }
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Transform destination latlong to geocentric if required.        */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( dstdefn->is_geocent )
>    {
>        if( z == NULL )
>        {
>            pj_errno = PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>            return PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>        }
>        pj_geodetic_to_geocentric( dstdefn->a, dstdefn->es,
>                                   point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
>        if( dstdefn->fr_meter != 1.0 )
>        {
>            for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>            {
>                if( x[point_offset*i] != HUGE_VAL )
>                {
>                    x[point_offset*i] *= dstdefn->fr_meter;
>                    y[point_offset*i] *= dstdefn->fr_meter;
>                }
>            }
>        }
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Transform destination points to projection coordinates, if      */
>/*      desired.                                                        */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    else if( !dstdefn->is_latlong )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            XY         projected_loc;
>            LP	       geodetic_loc;
>            geodetic_loc.u = x[point_offset*i];
>            geodetic_loc.v = y[point_offset*i];
>            if( geodetic_loc.u == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            projected_loc = pj_fwd( geodetic_loc, dstdefn );
>            if( pj_errno != 0 )
>            {
>                if( pj_errno > 0 || pj_errno < -44 || point_count == 1
>                    || transient_error[-pj_errno] == 0 )
>                    return pj_errno;
>                else
>                {
>                    projected_loc.u = HUGE_VAL;
>                    projected_loc.v = HUGE_VAL;
>                }
>            }
>            x[point_offset*i] = projected_loc.u;
>            y[point_offset*i] = projected_loc.v;
>        }
>    }
>    return 0;
>/*                     pj_geodetic_to_geocentric()                      */
>int pj_geodetic_to_geocentric( double a, double es, 
>                               long point_count, int point_offset,
>                               double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    double b;
>    int    i;
>    if( es == 0.0 )
>        b = a;
>    else
>        b = a * sqrt(1-es);
>    if( pj_Set_Geocentric_Parameters( a, b ) != 0 )
>    {
>        pj_errno = PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>        return pj_errno;
>    }
>    for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>    {
>        long io = i * point_offset;
>        if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL  )
>            continue;
>        if( pj_Convert_Geodetic_To_Geocentric( y[io], x[io], z[io], 
>                                               x+io, y+io, z+io ) != 0 )
>        {
>            pj_errno = PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>            return PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>        }
>    }
>    return 0;
>/*                     pj_geodetic_to_geocentric()                      */
>int pj_geocentric_to_geodetic( double a, double es, 
>                               long point_count, int point_offset,
>                               double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    double b;
>    int    i;
>    if( es == 0.0 )
>        b = a;
>    else
>        b = a * sqrt(1-es);
>    if( pj_Set_Geocentric_Parameters( a, b ) != 0 )
>    {
>        pj_errno = PJD_ERR_GEOCENTRIC;
>        return pj_errno;
>    }
>    for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>    {
>        long io = i * point_offset;
>        if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL )
>            continue;
>        pj_Convert_Geocentric_To_Geodetic( x[io], y[io], z[io], 
>                                        y+io, x+io, z+io );
>    }
>    return 0;
>/*                         pj_compare_datums()                          */
>/*                                                                      */
>/*      Returns TRUE if the two datums are identical, otherwise         */
>/*      FALSE.                                                          */
>int pj_compare_datums( PJ *srcdefn, PJ *dstdefn )
>    if( srcdefn->datum_type != dstdefn->datum_type )
>    {
>        return 0;
>    }
>    else if( srcdefn->a != dstdefn->a 
>             || ABS(srcdefn->es - dstdefn->es) > 0.000000000050 )
>    {
>        /* the tolerence for es is to ensure that GRS80 and WGS84 are
>           considered identical */
>        return 0;
>    }
>    else if( srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM )
>    {
>        return (srcdefn->datum_params[0] == dstdefn->datum_params[0]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[1] == dstdefn->datum_params[1]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[2] == dstdefn->datum_params[2]);
>    }
>    else if( srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM )
>    {
>        return (srcdefn->datum_params[0] == dstdefn->datum_params[0]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[1] == dstdefn->datum_params[1]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[2] == dstdefn->datum_params[2]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[3] == dstdefn->datum_params[3]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[4] == dstdefn->datum_params[4]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[5] == dstdefn->datum_params[5]
>                && srcdefn->datum_params[6] == dstdefn->datum_params[6]);
>    }
>    else if( srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_GRIDSHIFT )
>    {
>        return strcmp( pj_param(srcdefn->params,"snadgrids").s,
>                       pj_param(dstdefn->params,"snadgrids").s ) == 0;
>    }
>    else
>        return 1;
>/*                       pj_geocentic_to_wgs84()                        */
>int pj_geocentric_to_wgs84( PJ *defn, 
>                            long point_count, int point_offset,
>                            double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    int       i;
>    pj_errno = 0;
>    if( defn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            long io = i * point_offset;
>            if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            x[io] = x[io] + defn->datum_params[0];
>            y[io] = y[io] + defn->datum_params[1];
>            z[io] = z[io] + defn->datum_params[2];
>        }
>    }
>    else if( defn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            long io = i * point_offset;
>            double x_out, y_out, z_out;
>            if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            x_out = M_BF*(       x[io] - Rz_BF*y[io] + Ry_BF*z[io]) + Dx_BF;
>            y_out = M_BF*( Rz_BF*x[io] +       y[io] - Rx_BF*z[io]) + Dy_BF;
>            z_out = M_BF*(-Ry_BF*x[io] + Rx_BF*y[io] +       z[io]) + Dz_BF;
>            x[io] = x_out;
>            y[io] = y_out;
>            z[io] = z_out;
>        }
>    }
>    return 0;
>/*                      pj_geocentic_from_wgs84()                       */
>int pj_geocentric_from_wgs84( PJ *defn, 
>                              long point_count, int point_offset,
>                              double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    int       i;
>    pj_errno = 0;
>    if( defn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            long io = i * point_offset;
>            if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            x[io] = x[io] - defn->datum_params[0];
>            y[io] = y[io] - defn->datum_params[1];
>            z[io] = z[io] - defn->datum_params[2];
>        }
>    }
>    else if( defn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM )
>    {
>        for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
>        {
>            long io = i * point_offset;
>            double x_tmp, y_tmp, z_tmp;
>            if( x[io] == HUGE_VAL )
>                continue;
>            x_tmp = (x[io] - Dx_BF) / M_BF;
>            y_tmp = (y[io] - Dy_BF) / M_BF;
>            z_tmp = (z[io] - Dz_BF) / M_BF;
>            x[io] =        x_tmp + Rz_BF*y_tmp - Ry_BF*z_tmp;
>            y[io] = -Rz_BF*x_tmp +       y_tmp + Rx_BF*z_tmp;
>            z[io] =  Ry_BF*x_tmp - Rx_BF*y_tmp +       z_tmp;
>        }
>    }
>    return 0;
>/*                         pj_datum_transform()                         */
>int pj_datum_transform( PJ *srcdefn, PJ *dstdefn, 
>                        long point_count, int point_offset,
>                        double *x, double *y, double *z )
>    double      src_a, src_es, dst_a, dst_es;
>    int         z_is_temp = FALSE;
>    pj_errno = 0;
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Short cut if the datums are identical.                          */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( pj_compare_datums( srcdefn, dstdefn ) )
>        return 0;
>    src_a = srcdefn->a;
>    src_es = srcdefn->es;
>    dst_a = dstdefn->a;
>    dst_es = dstdefn->es;
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Create a temporary Z array if one is not provided.              */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( z == NULL )
>    {
>        int	bytes = sizeof(double) * point_count * point_offset;
>        z = (double *) pj_malloc(bytes);
>        memset( z, 0, bytes );
>        z_is_temp = TRUE;
>    }
>#define CHECK_RETURN {if( pj_errno != 0 ) { if( z_is_temp ) pj_dalloc(z); return pj_errno; }}
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*	If this datum requires grid shifts, then apply it to geodetic   */
>/*      coordinates.                                                    */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_GRIDSHIFT )
>    {
>        pj_apply_gridshift( pj_param(srcdefn->params,"snadgrids").s, 0, 
>                            point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
>        CHECK_RETURN;
>        src_a = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
>        src_es = 0.006694379990;
>    }
>    if( dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_GRIDSHIFT )
>    {
>        dst_a = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
>        dst_es = 0.006694379990;
>    }
>/* ==================================================================== */
>/*      Do we need to go through geocentric coordinates?                */
>/* ==================================================================== */
>    if( src_es != dst_es || src_a != dst_a
>        || srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
>        || srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM
>        || dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
>        || dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM)
>    {
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Convert to geocentric coordinates.                              */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>        pj_geodetic_to_geocentric( src_a, src_es,
>                                   point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
>        CHECK_RETURN;
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Convert between datums.                                         */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>        if( srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
>            || srcdefn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM )
>        {
>            pj_geocentric_to_wgs84( srcdefn, point_count, point_offset,x,y,z);
>            CHECK_RETURN;
>        }
>        if( dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
>            || dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_7PARAM )
>        {
>            pj_geocentric_from_wgs84( dstdefn, point_count,point_offset,x,y,z);
>            CHECK_RETURN;
>        }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Convert back to geodetic coordinates.                           */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>        pj_geocentric_to_geodetic( dst_a, dst_es,
>                                   point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
>        CHECK_RETURN;
>    }
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>/*      Apply grid shift to destination if required.                    */
>/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
>    if( dstdefn->datum_type == PJD_GRIDSHIFT )
>    {
>        pj_apply_gridshift( pj_param(dstdefn->params,"snadgrids").s, 1,
>                            point_count, point_offset, x, y, z );
>        CHECK_RETURN;
>    }
>    if( z_is_temp )
>        pj_dalloc( z );
>    return 0;

Norman Barker
Software Engineer
ComSine Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1483 457121
Web: http://www.comsine.com
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