[Gdal-dev] Re: MrSID on MapServer w/ FWTools 0.9.9

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 11:17:08 EDT 2005

On 8/17/05, Bart van den Eijnden <BEN at syncera-itsolutions.nl> wrote:
> Just a note on the environment variables.
> Apache on Windows does not pick up environment variables, you need to put a SetEnv directive into the httpd.conf file. That's the way it works. IIS does pick them up.
> Best regards,
> Bart

Thanks for the info, I did not know that about Apache. I am on IIS,
and the PROJ_LIB variable is getting read, but not the

Best regards,

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at gmail.com

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