[Gdal-dev] seamlessly joining USGS quadrangle tiffs

Frank Glandorf frank.glandorf at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 17:06:50 EDT 2005

I mentioned to Frank Warmerdam  that I have a utility for seamlessly 
joining USGS quadrangles in TIFF with a world file, cliping the collars. 
He suggested I post it to gdal-dev to see if there is any interest in it 
so here's a link to it. In particular see quadjoin.


The utilities are command line driven and based proj.4 and shapelib. The 
TIFFS need not form a rectangular region. For example to join the 
quadrangles for the Cumberland National Park in Kentucky which are in 
state plane coordinates:

quadjoin -czip -p "+proj=lcc  +datum=NAD83 +lon_0=-85d45 +lat_1=37d05 
+lat_2=38d40 +lat_0=36d20 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=1000000 +units=ft" -o 
cumberland.tif u48.tif  u49.tif  u50.tif  v48.tif

Since many maps are in UTM there's some short cut options. To use utm 
with datum 1927 and zone 16:

quadjoin -d27 -z16 -c zip -o cin.tif ci*dr0016.tif


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