[Gdal-dev] Computing srcwin fails

Morten Nielsen mn at blominfo.dk
Mon Oct 10 04:58:49 EDT 2005

I'm trying to create a bunch of image tiles from a VRT file using

This works great for most of the 517 tiles, but 7 of them fails with the
following error message:

gdal_translate -projwin 635149 1499749 642149 1492749 -a_srs "+proj=

utm +zone=48 +datum=WGS84" mosaic.vrt sheets\6236-II_004.tif

Input file size is 150000, 210000

Computed -srcwin -1550 36251 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 150000x210000.


If you look closely, the computed srcwin does NOT fall completely
outside the image (-1550 + 7000 is inside the image). I've created an
ECW of all the images in the VRT and checked that these tiles actually
do have image data, and everything seems ok. Here's the remaining
srcwin's that fails:

Computed -srcwin -1265 91558 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin -1231 98471 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin 92798 -5911 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin 99555 -5972 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin 106312 -6036 7000 7000 from projected window.

Computed -srcwin 113069 -6102 7000 7000 from projected window.


Could this be a bug in gdal_translate or the VRT driver? The 7 tiles are
the only ones whose upper side or left side falls outside the window.


Best regards

/Morten Nielsen

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