[Gdal-dev] GDAL to GeoTIFF can't handle certain datums?

Ben Discoe ben at vterrain.org
Fri Aug 4 18:30:43 EDT 2006

I have an image in memory, with this CRS:

"PROJCS["Custom",GEOGCS["Rikets koordinatsystem 1990",DATUM["Rikets
koordinatsystem 1990",SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155000,299.152810"...

I use GDAL to write it a GeoTIFF file.
Using gdalinfo on the resulting tif file says:

"Coordinate System is:
    GEOGCS["Rikets koordinatsystem 1990",

You can see that a lot got lost, in particular the Datum.  Is it possible
that the GeoTIFF format just isn't capable of storing this Datum?  Without
stepping the debugger way down into GDALDataset, i can't determine if GDAL
is failing to find a GeoTIFF equivalent for this datum, or not.


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