[Gdal-dev] ogr2ogr: seamless vmap without tile boundaries?

Holger Wilken wilken at ohb-system.de
Tue Aug 8 10:16:14 EDT 2006

Re: [Gdal-dev] ogrinfo / ogr2ogr and vmap under windows?my experiments with
the VMAP data (convert to Shapefiles, merge them into one, and import into
ArcSDE/Oracle Spatial) lead me to another question, but I am not sure, if
ogr2ogr is the right tool:

The VMAP data is divided into tiles, which are converted as well. So
polygons and lines crossing a tile border are separated. I want to correct
the data and combine divided geometries with the same attributes into a
single new one, in order to get a seamless map without tile boundaries. Does
anyone know how to do it with either open source tools or Oracle functions?

thanks in advance

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