[Gdal-dev] Arc/Info Binary Grid Question(s)

Lillys, Theodore, P.E. tpl at hgl.com
Tue Jan 3 14:57:18 EST 2006

In an attempt to understand the storage of pixel data in the binary grid
file, I've been stepping/hacking through aitest.c and viewing the raster
using OpenEV.  I've found (for the two single-band coverages I've looked
at) that the first block in each row corresponds to the visualized
pixels in OpenEV.  What's stored in the other (nBlocksPerRow - 1) blocks
in the row?  I've encountered ESRI_GRID_NO_DATA (in a float file) and
integer data (in an integer coverage with a vat.adf) that appeared to
have a structure/pattern in the two examples I have.  For the integer
coverage, I'm assuming the vat.adf has clues to their meaning.

Another question is with respect to multi-band (RGB) binary grid files:
where/how are the "values" of the raster stored (e.g. elevation)?  As a
function of the three bands? In a particular band? Depends on the file?


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