[Gdal-dev] MySQL ovf

Howard Butler hobu at iastate.edu
Wed Mar 15 09:26:18 EST 2006

Around the early January time frame was when I was making a mess of 
the MySQL driver.  Things are in much better shape now.  Can you 
update and let me know if you are still having problems?

At 2:54 PM +0100 3/15/06, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
>Hi list,
>we built GDAL (early january CVS) against the MySQL client (5.0). But both
>Mapserver and ogrinfo crash:
>[bart at hades OGC_UMN_services]$ ogrinfo
>Segmentation fault
>We are on RHE 3.
>Is this configuration known to work?
>Best regards,
>Gdal-dev mailing list
>Gdal-dev at lists.maptools.org

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