[Gdal-dev] Python Woes

Christopher Condit condit at sdsc.edu
Thu May 18 15:20:15 EDT 2006

Hi All-
I know little to nothing about Python, but am using it to perform some
simple math on a collection of raster images.  In this case, calculating
mean and variance cellwise on a collection of 40 raster files...

Here's what my code looks like as I collect all of the input bands into
an array:
    magnitudeBands = []
    thetaBands = []
    for depth in range(40):
        inFile = "C:\\develop\\data\\l%i\\vel-%i.tif" % (depth, month)
        inDataset = gdal.Open( inFile, GA_ReadOnly )                

... At this point when I examine magnitudeBands, everything looks

    for y in range(magnitudeBands[0].YSize):        
        for band in range(len(magnitudeBands)):            
            line = magnitudeBands[band].ReadAsArray( 0, y,
magnitudeBands[band].XSize, 1, magnitudeBands[band].XSize, 1 )

But at this point, I get an exception:
TypeError: Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested
(0,0) of size 720x1 on raster of 9479520x0.

Am I missing something fundamental about Python or about the GDAL python
module?  Thanks for any help...


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