[Gdal-dev] Visual Studio 2005, GDAL and Manifests

Ben Discoe ben at vterrain.org
Wed Oct 25 15:12:47 EDT 2006

>  do you build GDAL and then manually copy the DLLs 
> from the release or debug directories (as appropriate) into 
> a common  directory that is on your PATH?  Or do you modify
> the GDAL build configurations so that both debug and release
> versions get built in the same directory


Have you tried using the gdal sln/vcproj files, provided on our page, which
gdal.org links to in the GDAL build instruction?


You'll find that there is no manual copy (certainly not :) but instead a
'post-build step' which puts the DLLs into gdal\distro\bin, and the LIBs
into gdal\distro\lib.

This way, you only have to build GDAL once, when there is a new release.
You point your system PATH to distro\bin, your VC libpath tp distro\lib, and
you're set.

Or (if you're not picky about GDAL's configuration) you can just download
the GDAL 'distro', from that same page, and avoid the whole process of
building it.


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