[Gdal-dev] GDALDataset as a Base Class

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Sep 1 16:10:14 EDT 2006

Matt Hanson wrote:
> Well I'm glad to see my post started a discussion about these things
> but I don't have much to add because I'm having a hard time following
> some of it.

It's more a kind of academic debate. It does not apply directly to your
problem, so don't worry ;-)

> I'm creating an Geospatial Image Processing
> library.   The underlying dataset resides on disk and is interfaced
> through GDAL, and is read and processed in chunks, and written out.
> My goal is to make the file I/O and chunking process as transparent
> as possible to the developer.

Does the 'transparent' mean you don't want to make user of your
library to deal directly with GDAL?
So, user needs only to pass filename/dataset location to your interface
and GDAL objects are create behind the scene?

Mateusz Loskot

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