[Gdal-dev] Constant width using gdalwarp?

Seth Price seth at pricepages.org
Tue Apr 17 11:03:21 EDT 2007

Anyone? Will I just need to manually calculate the expected image px  
dimensions? Why is the "-tr" flag not working as expected?

On Apr 15, 2007, at 12:11 PM, Seth Price wrote:

> Let me start off by saying that GDAL is excellent. Big thanks. :)
> I am reprojecting a set of 14400x14400px lat/long images to 14400px  
> wide, and the image height depends on the latitude. The output  
> projection is Mercator. My intent is to only interpolate pixels in  
> one direction, so the output image will be a bit sharper along the  
> x direction.
> I thought I could do this with the "-tr" flag, but the width is  
> changing depending on the latitude. Out of the two latitudes I've  
> tried, I'm getting images 14400px wide and 14399px wide.
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