[Gdal-dev] OS X Builds of just ogr?

Brian Hamlin mapLabs at screenlight.com
Sun Jan 21 12:22:45 EST 2007

  I've just built ogr for MacOS X, using default options, and ran a
shapes file conversion. That all worked fine. However, I would like to
do a few things beyond the defaults. Two questions

- where do I enable PostgreSQL drivers ? then rebuild...

- does anyone have an xcode project that will build ogr tools, or just
ogr2ogr?  I worked on that for a while last night, but do not have the
link right yet...

  (I found the GDALmake.opt file, but am not familiar enough with the
unix make tools to tell where I manually change a line of configuration,
and where things are machine generated...)

  thanks for any pointers
  best regards from Berkeley, CA

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