[Gdal-dev] Building a customized raster format in ArcGIS 9.2using GDAL

Lucena, Ivan ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com
Wed Jun 6 13:27:56 EDT 2007

Frank, Gao,

Thank you very much.


Peng Gao wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: gdal-dev-bounces at lists.maptools.org 
>> [mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of 
>> Frank Warmerdam
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:24 AM
>> To: Lucena, Ivan
>> Cc: gdal-dev
>> Subject: Re: [Gdal-dev] Building a customized raster format 
>> in ArcGIS 9.2using GDAL
>> Lucena, Ivan wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anybody have ever followed those steps to add a raster format 
>>> support in ArcGIS using GDAL?
>> http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Supporte
>>> d_raster_dataset_file_formats
>>> If I understood it correctly, all you need to do is to build a GDAL 
>>> library and give it a name like (let's use GRIB as an example) 
>>> gdal_grib.dll or gdal_grib.so, copy it to the ArcGIS's Bin 
>> folder and
>> Ivan,
>> GDAL plugins are not complete gdal libraries.  They are just 
>> a single driver linked against GDAL and containing a 
>> GDALRegister_GRIB() entry point.  Note that the short name 
>> for the driver in the DLL name has to match in case with the 
>> registry entry point, so you need to name the DLL 
>> gdal_GRIB.DLL if the entry pointis GDALRegister_GRIB().
>> The gdal/frmts/mrsid/makefile.vc includes a plugin target as 
>> an example of how to build the MrSID driver as a plugin.
>> Normally GDAL looks for plugins in the directory indicated in 
>> the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH environment variable.  On windows it 
>> also tries to look in a gdalplugins directory under the 
>> directory containing the currently running .exe.
>> I don't know if ArcGIS is otherwise adjusting the driver load path.
> ArcGIS uses gdalplugins directory under the directory containing the
> currently 
> running .exe ("ArcGIS\Bin\gdalplugins").
> We have found that, while there are success stories, it's hard to build 
> a plugin using standard GDAL release,
> and make it work with the gdal*.dll distributed with a particular ArcGIS
> release, because of header mismatch, and etc. We plan to make the
> matching
> include and lib files available for download if there is enough
> interest.
> Also on Windows ArcGIS 92, and its GDAL library, are built using MSVC7.
> Gao, Peng

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